  • 期刊


Internal and External Loci of Academic Hope Belief for Junior High School Students and Their Relationship With Related Factors




Few studies have explored the locus of hope belief with respect to junior high school students' academic hope belief. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to construct three competing confirmatory factor analysis models of hope belief and a model of hope belief and its related factors to test how the models fit with the observed data and to analyze the relationships between self-construal, hope belief, emotions, and behavior. The participants were 1,079 junior high school students, and structural equation modeling was used. The following results were obtained: (1) The second-order model of the locus of hope belief fit the observed data better than the other two competing models. (2) The model of hope belief and its related factors fit the observed data well. (3) Independent and interdependent self-construal positively predicted internal and external loci of hope belief, respectively. (4) Internal and external loci of hope belief positively predicted pride and gratitude, respectively. (5) Pride and gratitude positively predicted help-seeking and helping behavior, respectively. (6) An external locus of hope belief positively predicted help-seeking.


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