  • 期刊


Gender Role and its Psychological Properties in Young Adults


背景與目的:性別角色是指社會文化對男性及女性認可與期望的行為模式,本研究分析正常年輕族群性別角色特質,並探討不同性別、性別角色類型在人格特質、憂鬱及焦慮表現是否有差異。方法:以性別角色量表測得男性化(Masculinity Score,MS)及女性化(Femininity Score,FS)特質得分,再依MS及FS歸為不同性別角色類型(男性化、女性化、雙性化及未分化)。以艾氏人格量表、貝克憂鬱量表及貝克焦慮量表評估人格特質、憂鬱及焦慮程度。結果:共76位受試者,MS得分在男性顯著高於女性(p=0.001),FS得分男女未達顯著差異;男女的性別角色類型分佈有顯著差異(p=0.026),男性雙性化最多(31.6%)男性化最少(18.4%),女性未分化最多(52.6%)女性化其次(28.9%)雙性化最少(7.9%)。外向性人格得分在不同性別角色類型有顯著差異(p=0.01)。結論:現代年輕男性性別角色類型不同於舊有刻板印象,男性化類型降低而雙性化類型增加,且男女屬雙性化類型者顯得最外向。


Background and Purpose: Gender role refers to the behavioral norms that are accepted and expected for a man/woman in a specific social culture. The aims of this study were to investigate sex and the types of gender role orientation, and clarify the difference of the personality trait, depression and anxiety between the different types of gender role orientation in young adults. Methods: The Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) was used to assess the characteristics of gender role, including the masculinity (masculinity score, MS) and the femininity (femininity score, FS). The type of gender role orientation (masculinity, femininity, androgyny, and undifferentiated) was classified by the amount of FS and MS. The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, the Beck Depression Inventory and the Beck Anxiety Inventory were used to assess the personality traits, the degree of depression and anxiety, respectively. Results: Seventy-six participants (38 males and 38 females) were recruited in this study. MS in male was significantly higher than female (p=0.001), while there was no significant difference in FS between male and female. The types of the gender role orientation was different between male and female (p=0.026); the highest was androgyny (31.6%) and the least was masculinity (18.4%) in male group, while the highest was undifferentiated (52.6%), secondly was femininity (28.9%) and the least was androgyny (7.9%) in female group. Scores of extraversion trait were found different in four gender role orientation types (p=0.01). Conclusion: The gender role orientation for modern young male is different from traditional stereotype. The portion of masculinity in young male is decreased, and the androgyny is increased. The person with androgyny orientation shows more extraversion traits. In order to promote gender health issues, the person with different gender role should be carefully considered.


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