  • 期刊


A school-based Collaborative Professional Development Project: The Investigation of an Experienced Teacher's Teaching Belief and Teaching Research


九年一貫課程的實施已為大多數教師帶來衝擊與挑戰,教師專業知能的提昇,無疑的,已成為課程改革致力的目標之一,教師教學信念的轉變不僅是教育改革成效的基礎,亦是教師專業成長的一種表現。本研究在一所中部地區的國中,利用自然與生活科技的領域時間,發展以學校為本位的合作式專業成長團體。研究團隊包括27位教師、6位研究生與1位大學教授,透過每兩週一次定期舉行的會議,讓教師分享、討論與反思其教學經驗,並協助教師進行教學改變,期能藉由教學活動設計與試教的實作過程,提昇教師的教學知能,並激發教師持續進行專業成長的意願與動力。本文係針對一位資深的地球科學教師,探討其教學信念,並基於所面臨的教學問題,嘗試實施POE(Prediction, Observation, Explanation)教學,俾給予學生較多討論與思考的時間,進而提昇教學成效。


The implementation of the nine-year curriculum in Taiwan has resulted in the great impact and challenge for many teachers. The change of curriculum must be accompanied by changes in teaching belief and practice. This study was conducted in the context of a school-based collaborative professional development project. The goal of the professional development project was to support teachers to improve their teaching practice. One junior high school was invited to participate with this study. The research team was consisted of 27 teachers, 6 graduate students and 1 university professor. Meetings were planned for teachers to share, discuss, and reflect on their knowledge and teaching practice biweekly. Additionally, these teachers were encouraged to conduct instructional studies based on the teaching difficulties/problems which they confronted. This article was to describe an experienced earth science teacher's teaching belief and her reflection. Furthermore, the teaching research and professional development contributed by this teacher were discussed.


