  • 期刊



在幼兒期時,小孩們就已經學會了許多的基本技巧,像是滾球、跑步、攀爬、平衡、抓取、投擲、跳躍等等,這些技巧是所有的小孩所具備的特質,並不是僅僅出現在東方或是西方的社會中,對小孩玩遊戲而言,這些基本的技巧不但非常重要,而且是每天正常生活所需,但是一般國外的文獻較熱衷於投、跑、接、擲、跳等動作技巧的研究,而對於滾球項目的研究卻十分稀少。 因此本研究試圖以兒童為受試的對象,以滾球為測試項目,而探討性别、年齡、目標設定與出手型態,對滾球擲準成績表現的影響。受試者為幼稚園小、大班、國小一、三年級四個不同年級的學生,各年級選取四十八名學童(男24名、女24名)共計一百九十二名受試者,本實驗將受試者依不同年齡、性別隨機分配至三個不同的目標設定組中(困難、簡單、無目標),並且以兒童將十五顆網球,滾入實驗者自製的旋轉板的方式進行測試,施測過程以攝影機拍攝,並做為分析不同出手姿勢的主要依據,實驗的結果發現:男孩在滾球擲準的表現上要較女孩為佳,而隨著年齡的增加,三年級的學童滾球擲準的成績,也要比其他年級的學童要好。而困難目標組的學童,在滾球擲準的成績表現上與簡單目標及無目標組的兒童沒有差異。經實驗後的資料分析發現受試者的滾球出手型態,可以歸類為下列四種:1.手心向下、2.手心向前、3.單手撥球、4.雙手推球,其中手心向前的出手型態其滾球擲準的成績,要比其他三種滾球出手型態為佳。




In the pre-school period, children have learned to perform many basic skills such as rolling a ball, running, climbing, balancing, catching, throwing, and jumping. These skills are performed by children all over the world because, for children, such skills are not only very important while playing, but also necessary for daily life. Researches on throwing, running, catching, and jumping are commonly reported in the literature. However, comparably speaking, studies on ball-rolling are rarely found. Thus the present study, with 192 children as the subjects, attempts to investigate the influence of sexes, ages, goal-setting and the ways to roll a ball on the performance of ball-rolling.48 children (24 boys and 24 girls) were selected from each of the four schools' levels to participate this experiment: the low and high grades of kindergarten and the first and third grades of elementary school. These subjects were randomly distributed into three groups of different goal-setting (difficult, easy, and do-your-best). Each group was further classified based on the subjects' ages and sexes. The subjects were ask to roll fifteen tennis balls to the board made by the researcher. The procedure of the experiment was photographed for analyzing how the subjects rolled the balls. The results of this experiment indicate the following things. First, boys perform better than girls in rolling balls to certain targets. Second, the subjects' performance gets better as their school levels get higher and the children of the third grade of elementary school perform best in this experiment. Third, there is no difference between the ”difficult” and the ”easy” groups with the performance of rolling balls to certain targets. Finally, four ways of rolling a ball are recongnized in the data: palm-downward, palm-forward, pushing the ball with one hand, and pushing the ball with two hands. It is found in the experiment that subjects rolling balls with their palms forward perform better than subjects do in the other three ways.


