  • 期刊


On the connotation of total physical response and its practical strategies in bilingual physical education



全身肢體反應教學法(total physical response, TPR)是種著名的語言教學方法,適合運用於促進臺灣雙語體育教學之實踐。本文綜整回顧43篇TPR相關論述,並以Donald Schön之「反思實踐(reflective practice)」概念為基礎,對研究者自身經驗進行實踐反思,旨在分析TPR內涵與相關文本,探究TPR於雙語體育教學中的可行性與立基,並提出於雙語體育教學中實踐TPR之策略,以增進臺灣雙語體育教師對TPR之理解。結果發現,旨揭研究多強調身體表現與語言之連結是TPR的要素,並認同TPR在提升學習動機、降低學習壓力、同時促進學科與語言學習表現方面之有效性。而體育課程中的身體學習與互動經驗,以及「非語言溝通」與「肢體-動覺智慧」兩個概念,可為TPR融入雙語體育教學提供實踐與論述基礎。TPR有其基本操作流程,教師除可依內容選擇、語言選擇與設計融入之步驟進行課前準備,亦可透過互動式多元活動設計,強化TPR之落實。本文認為,TPR簡易實用,但臺灣目前尚無TPR融入雙語體育教學之實踐指引及相關研究,建議未來賡續以此為題,開展行動研究與理論研究,分析TPR於臺灣不同教學場域之成效,探究TPR論述的在地轉化,並整合教師的實踐反思歷程。本文預期將能對拓展雙語體育教學策略與TPR理論之應用範疇有所貢獻。


Total physical response (TPR) is a famous language teaching approach, which is suitable to be proposed to promote the practice of bilingual physical education in Taiwan. In order to improve the understanding of TPR among bilingual physical education teachers in Taiwan, this study is intended to analyze the connotation of TPR and related documents, explore the feasibility and foundation of TPR in bilingual physical education, and put forward the strategies of practicing TPR in bilingual physical education. This study reviews forty-three documents of discourses on TPR. At the same time, on the basis of Donald Schon's concept of "reflective practice", by making practical review of the researchers' own experiences in some suggestions on TPR teaching are given. The results show that most of these studies emphasize the link between physical performance and language as a key element of TPR, and agree with the effectiveness of TPR in improving learning motivation, reducing learning stress, and improving subject and language learning performance. Physical learning and interactive experience in physical education courses, as well as the "non-verbal communication" and "bodily-kinesthetic intelligence" concepts can provide practical and theoretical basis for integration of TPR into bilingual physical education. TPR has its basic operation process, and teachers can not only make pre-class preparations in accordance with the procedure of content selection, language selection and design integration, but also strengthen the implementation of TPR by designing a diversity of interactive activities. In summary, TPR is easy to use and practical, but there is no practical guidance and related research on integration of TPR into bilingual physical education in Taiwan. It is recommended to carry out practical and theoretical researches on this topic in the future, analyze the effectiveness of TPR in different teaching fields in Taiwan, explore the local transformation of TPR points, and integrate teachers' practical reflection process. This study is expected to contribute to the expansion of bilingual PE strategies and the application of TPR theory.


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