  • 期刊


More Effective Approach of Imagery Practice: Applying the PETTLEP Model of Motor Imagery




Among psychological skills training, imagery is already an indicator of the sport science. Many studies have indicated that imagery practice is an effective psychological intervention for athletes. The study is to explore the content and application of PETTLEP model. The main purpose of this model is to generate the imagery guidance elements of functional equivalence. PETTLEP imagery help subjects through psychological imitation to achieve the equal effectiveness that individual actually engaged in physical practice. This article will introduce the development of imagery theory, and further describes the various elements of PETTLEP model. It also provides future researchers the direction of research and coaches and athletes the practical reference of PETTLEP model application.


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陳若芸、林啟賢(2017)。逼實意象模式及意象型態應用 對大專射箭國手之個案研究體育學報50(3),283-301。https://doi.org/10.3966/102472972017095003004
