  • 期刊


The History of Nursing Development in the Republic of China


任何社會都必須有人養生送死,擔任照顧老人、病人及孩童的工作,因此本文的照護者歷史,自西方護理東來之前的傳統照護者開始敘述。這樣做的目的,除了讓傳統的照護者「現身」「被看見」之外,也可以為現代護理的發展提供更清晰的脈絡。無論自1884年第一個南丁格爾式的護士到中國,1895年20位日籍西式護士來台,甚至追溯更早的傳教護士,我國現代的新護理事業已經存在一百多年。在這一百多年中,世界經過兩次大戰,大陸歷經北伐、抗日及國民政府遷台。台灣經過日本統治,在這樣大時代的洪流中,作為社會結構一環的護理自然會遭到衝擊影響。因此本文將分析歷史、時代脈絡與護理興革間的關係,並嘗試在這樣的基礎上,勾勒出我國護理史的草圖。另外,儘管經過百年的時空更迭,歲月滄桑,無可否認的,到目前為止護理依然是一個女性為主的工作,所以性別分析亦是本研究中不可或缺的要項。本文的研究方法乃仿效德國社會學家伊里亞斯(Nobert Elias, 1897-1990),將事件回歸到「共時性」的社會脈絡,及「貫時性」的歷史變遷中去觀察理解。至於觀察的視角因為個人學術背景,則屬女性主義。


護理 歷史 台灣 中華民國 照顧 傳統照顧系統 女性 性別 女性主義


Modern nursing was introduced into China (and Taiwan) as part of the general Westernization of Chinese culture. It was accepted in its Western and modern form along with medicine as a part of China's modernization. Looking after the sick, one of the basic functions of any society, has traditionally been performed by women. Such basic social function cannot be ignored. Therefore, at the beginning of this paper, the traditional healing and caring systems in China prior to the influence of the West are examined. The second part of this paper shows that the strategy of nineteenth century reformers and later leaders from England and America was incorporated into modern Chinese nursing. Also, patriotic feelings opposed to imperialism and indignation over the Sino-Japanese War benefited the growth of domestic nursing. The last part of this paper examines recent developments and the current status of nursing in Taiwan. Overall, the more than a century of modern nursing history in the R.O.C. is infused with a complex mixture of cultural borrowing from the West, anti-imperialist experience, colonialist influences, and ethical and gender issues. The study methodology adopted for this essay follows that used by Robert Elias. Both the synchronic social context and diachronic historical processes are considered in order to illuminate and highlight the critical events that shaped the history of nursing in the ROC. Due to the researcher's personal academic background and interest, sociological and feminist perspectives were taken while investigating and analyzing materials.


nursing history Taiwan R.O.C. caring traditional caring system women gender feminist


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