  • 期刊


A Reflection on Innovative Nursing Teaching Strategies Following an Experience Training Competitors for the Worldskills Competition


國際技能競賽(worldskills competition)主要目的為提供世界各國學生互相切磋學習的機會,以競賽方式了解各國的職業教育訓練進而達到交流的目的。在參與國際技能競賽及教學過程中,瞭解目前學生在知識的應用及整合不足、應變及解決問題的能力弱,進而反思護理課程與教學,進行教學改進及創新。筆者運用PBL(problem-based learning)、SOSCE(simulation-based objective strcutured clinical examination)及手機輔助教學,引導學生學習,增加學生的自我學習能力,強化照顧技能以解決問題,期望這樣的教學方式提供學生或選手無論是未來面對國際技能競賽或進入職場都可以運用知識思考解決問題方式,克服複雜及挑戰性高的環境。


Worldskills Competition provides students from around the world with an interactive platform for learning, training, and communication. Participating in Worldskills Competition and related teaching activities highlights the critical problems that affect new nursing graduates such as insufficient knowledge application and integration skills and inadequate adaptation and problem-solving abilities. This paper reflects on nursing courses to suggest improved teaching strategies and innovative teaching methods. Problem-based learning (PBL), simulation-based objective strcutured clinical examination (SOSCE), and mobile-assisted teaching are applied to guide students to learn, to increase the self-learning ability of students, and to enhance their problem-solving skills. It is hoped that these teaching methods improve the ability of participants, whether they are Worldskills competitors or new employees, to think strategically about and to resolve problems.


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