  • 期刊


Self-Role Perception of Nurse Practitioners in Northern Taiwan


背景 臺灣專科護理師於2006年已正式成為護理體系中一個新的角色,而新角色是否可與團隊中其它成員產生良好的協調度,進而促使新角色發展成功,端視新角色本身對自我知覺的看法。因此,了解臺灣專科護理師的自我角色知覺,並自角色知覺中得知自我不足或外界制度上之不足處,且針對其需求給予協助,進而促進新制度的發展。 目的 探討臺灣北部地區醫院專科護理師的自我角色知覺。 方法 本研究為質性研究設計。採立意取樣,以取得臺灣行政院衛生署正式核發專科護理師證書之專科護理師為研究對象,共10位專科護理師參與;研究工具為半結構式訪談大綱,以面對面訪談方式進行資料收集,內容分析法作資料的分析。 結果 經分析歸納後,整理出二個主要類目:一、負向自我角色知覺:回首過往、無奈與挫敗、刀鋒邊緣。二、正向自我角色知覺:享受成就、檢視現在、與護理產生連結、心存喜悅、提昇自我。 結論 臺灣專科護理師於臨床實務方面、教育方面、國家政策方面均需協助以建立正向角色知覺。且建議未來應根據我國醫療文化,給予專科護理師其明確之角色定位及詳盡之工作規範,方可真正發揮專科護理師的功能;並使之有可成長的空間及專業團隊間彼此之尊重,進而促進專業合作及醫療品質的提昇。


Background: The Nurse Practitioners (NP) is a position title introduced into the Taiwanese nursing care system in 2006. NP perception of themselves is critical to successful development of the NP position as well as to good coordination with other healthcare team members. Understanding NP self-perception can help determine self-or policy deficiencies and facilitate necessary changes to ameliorate such in order to advance the NP system in Taiwan. Purpose: This study investigated the self-role perception of NPs in northern Taiwan. Methods: Researchers used a qualitative research design. Participants comprised ten nurses recruited from a general hospital in northern Taiwan. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview format and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Two themes that evolved from data analysis included negative and positive self-role perception. Negative self-role perception included feelings of regret, helplessness, frustration and volatility. Positive self-role perception included feelings of enjoying success, reflecting on the present, connecting with nursing, happiness, and self-improvement. Conclusion: Enhancing clinical, educational, and policy requirements for NPs can promote positive self-role perception. Based on the medical culture in Taiwan, NPs receive clearly defined roles and clear and specific job descriptions to expand their role functions. Continued self-growth and mutual respect among team members are essential to improving professional cooperation and medical care quality.


