  • 期刊


The Pregnancy and Labor Experience of Southeast Asian Women in Transnational Marriages


隨著台灣跨國婚姻婦女的日益增加,跨國婚姻婦女已成為產科健康照護重要的一環,但目前國內外對於跨國婚姻婦女孕產期的相關研究不多。因此本研究旨在探討東南亞跨國婚姻婦女在懷孕至生育期間的生活經驗。研究設計採用質性研究方法進行,收案地點在桃園市及新竹市之某二家區域教學醫院的產後病房進行收案。共有7位東南亞籍跨國婚姻婦女參與研究。每位個案皆利用半結構式的訪談指引,進行面對面的深度訪談,時間約60-90分鐘,以錄音、摘要型式及參與式觀察,記錄訪談過程及內容。資料分析依Miles和Huberman (1994)質性研究加以分析,形究出四個主要範疇(core categories),分別為(1)「肩負延續香火重責大任」、(2)「孕期身心驟變難以調適」、(3)「多元文化的激盪與衝擊」、(4)「自我調整,迎向未來」。本研究可瞭解東南亞跨國婚姻婦女在懷孕至生育期間的生活經驗本質與感受,將可作為未來醫護人員照護之參考,進而發展跨國婚姻婦女孕產期跨文化照護模式。


東南亞 跨國婚姻 生活經驗


Rising numbers of women involved in transnational marriages in Taiwan have made caring for the welfare and health of non-Taiwanese women during pregnancy and labor an increasingly important issue for Taiwan's maternity departments. To date, little research has been done on this issue in Taiwan. Therefore, this paper was designed to study the life experiences during pregnancy and labor of women in transnational marriages. This study was conducted using qualitative methods, and participants were recruited from two regional hospitals in Taoyuan and Hsinchu. A total of seven women, all of whom had emigrated from Southeast Asia to Taiwan, participated in this study. Each participant participated in a face to face, half-structured lead interview. Each interview lasted around 40 to 60 minutes and was taped and transcribed. The data analysis method used was that described by Miles and Huberman (1994). Data was further categorized into the following four themes: (1) Missionary burden to carry on the family tree; (2) Trying to adjust life routines to prepare for the unexpected baby; (3) Cultural shock and its impact on the marriage; and (4) Soul-searching, adjustment and looking forward to the future. This paper and its findings can be referenced by nursing professionals in future clinical practice and can further help develop trans-cultural models which can be used during pregnancy and labor in the care of women in transnational marriages.


