  • 期刊


The Coincidence of Nurse Scheduling and Nurse Staff Needs: An Exploratory Study


Background: Scheduling is one of the most important parts of nursing management. Patient care needs and nurse staff needs must both be taken into consideration.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the extent that nurse scheduling needs coincide with nurse staff needs and relevant factors.Methods: A cross‐sectional research design and proportional random sampling was adopted. Participants were nurses at a medical center who were scheduled for nightshift work. A total 350 valid questionnaires were used in analysis.Results: Scheduling needs coincidence ranged between good and fair. The average score for participants working in general wards was higher than those for participants working in special units in the dimensions of autonomy and fairness. Factors that significantly impacted nurse scheduling and nurse staff needs coincidence included work unit, age, having children, and being married (p < .05). In the autonomy dimension, significant factors included working in the general ward, having children, being married, living in Taipei, being N4 level, being older, and having seniority. In the stability dimension, significant factors included working in the general ward, being N4 level, being older, and having seniority.Conclusions / Implications for Practice: Nursing managers should improve scheduling and develop information scheduling systems to better address nurse staff needs and save time.


護理排班 排班需求


Background: Scheduling is one of the most important parts of nursing management. Patient care needs and nurse staff needs must both be taken into consideration.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the extent that nurse scheduling needs coincide with nurse staff needs and relevant factors.Methods: A cross‐sectional research design and proportional random sampling was adopted. Participants were nurses at a medical center who were scheduled for nightshift work. A total 350 valid questionnaires were used in analysis.Results: Scheduling needs coincidence ranged between good and fair. The average score for participants working in general wards was higher than those for participants working in special units in the dimensions of autonomy and fairness. Factors that significantly impacted nurse scheduling and nurse staff needs coincidence included work unit, age, having children, and being married (p < .05). In the autonomy dimension, significant factors included working in the general ward, having children, being married, living in Taipei, being N4 level, being older, and having seniority. In the stability dimension, significant factors included working in the general ward, being N4 level, being older, and having seniority.Conclusions / Implications for Practice: Nursing managers should improve scheduling and develop information scheduling systems to better address nurse staff needs and save time.


nursing scheduling staff needs


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