  • 期刊


The Working Experiences of Nurse Aides in a Medical Center That Employs a Nursing Skill Mix Model


背景 複合式護理為一個護理作業模式的改革,照顧服務員為執行此模式的重要角色,但缺乏由其角度探討此模式的相關研究。 目的 瞭解急性醫院照顧服務員於複合式護理模式中的工作經驗。 方法 採質性研究方法,於某執行複合式護理模式之急性醫院中,選取15位照顧服務員,以深度訪談及焦點團體會議方式收集資料,經內容分析及團隊辨證討論後形成結論。 结果 本研究最後歸納2個主題,分為㈠照服員的助人特質與價值觀:包括⑴有被需要的感覺、⑵有貢獻的成就感、⑶能發揮自主功能、⑷能做到利人利己。㈡照服員的角色功能及職責糢糊:包括⑴無法處理病人複雜狀況的無力感、⑵體力負荷過重、⑶職責界定不清、⑷不受團隊成員尊重。 结论 本研究結果可呈現醫學中心照顧服務員對其角色有意義的經驗與感受,提供護理人員及醫院護理管理者於執行此模式時與照顧服務員互動或制定其角色職責之參考。


Background: In the nursing skill mix model (a revised version of the nursing practice model) assigns an important role to nurse aides (NAs). However, few studies have explored the experiences of NAs working under this model from their own perspectives. Purpose: This study was designed to explore the working experiences of NAs at a medical center. Methods: A qualitative research design was used. The 15 NAs recruited were currently working in a skill mix model environment at one medical center. Content analysis was used to analyze interview and focus group meeting data. Research peers were also debriefed in order to increase study rigor. Results: Results focused on two themes. The first was ”helping nature and values”, which included ”feeling of being needed,” ”contribute to a sense of achievement,” ”play independent functions,” and ”benefit the group.” The second was ”confusion regarding role enactment and job description”, which included ”feelings of powerless to handle complex patient situations,” ”excessive demands on physical capacity,” ”role function confusion,” and ”inadequate respect from team members.” Conclusion: This study described meaningful perceptions and experiences of NAs working in medical centers. Results may provide information with which nurses and administrators may improve interaction with NAs and achieve NA role enactment within the nursing skill mix model.


