  • 期刊


Centennial of the CCP: A Perspective of Comparative Communism




In 2021 the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) celebrates its centennial. The most significant landmark along its development path in the past one hundred years is obviously the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949. In Taiwan, the focus of our discussion naturally falls on how the party-state could continue to exist and develop into a superpower that rivals the United States, and what are the prospects of its transition into other forms of political system. The paper reviews how political science and other related disciplines study and theorize the politics of mainland China, and explores into the relation between China studies and comparative communism. It points out that theories in the field generally fall behind development on the ground, fail to capture ongoing trend and sense the possibilities of monumental changes ahead. They are thus relegated to explaining what has happened afterwards. The study of Chinese politics was originally defined by its organizational origins (communist system) without providing an explanation of regime dynamism, while after the collapse of the Soviet Union and European communism it has become overly concentrated on its uniqueness (Chinese studies), or its general, nondemocratic property (authoritarianism), at the expense of its regional nature (most of the existing communist regimes are in East and Southeast Asia) and its trans-temporal quality (commonality and comparability with historical communist regimes). At this point, to bring back comparative communism that has been on relative decline since the breakdown of the European communist regimes may serve two purposes: provide conceptual framework and identify key variables, and offer historical and existing empirical cases. The utilization of the theoretical resources of comparative communism will go a long way toward understanding Chinese politics and assessing the stability of the party-state.


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Wu, Y.-S., 1997. “From Reform to Bureaucratic Stability in the PRC.” Issues and Studies, Vol. 33, No. 8, pp. 81-104. doi:10.7033/ISE.199708_33(8).0005
Wu, Y.-S., 2015. “Rejuvenation of the Party-State: The Virtues and Limits of an AgeBased Political System.” Issues & Studies, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 99-128. doi:10.7033/ISE.201503_51(1).0004
