  • 期刊


Party Structure and Decision-Making Mechanism: The Impact of Power Transition from the LDP to the DPJ in Japan's Decision-Making Processes




The most prominent characteristics of Japanese politics after World War II are the long rule of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and factional politics within the LDP. Under the dominance of the LDP, factional politics had affected not only decision-making processes within the LDP but also the distribution of public resources through the government. With the social division of labor and benefits of specialization, the long-ruling LDP had also given rise to the phenomenon of Zokugiin, in that the so-called tribal Dietmen specialized, and claimed expertise, in specific policy areas in the decision-making processes. In addition to these informal power structures, the decision-making processes of the LDP had been controlled mainly by the Policy Research Committee (PRC), and the Parliament Strategy Committee (PSC), which were respectively responsible for internal and external negotiations. After the power transfer in 2009, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) began to implement its agenda of political structural reform that emphasized the importance of initiatives launched directly by politicians. In other words, inter-party negotiations have become more important than before. This paper aims to examine whether the change of the Japanese political context has influenced the critical role of PRC and PSC in the political decision-making processes.


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