  • 期刊


A Grounded-Theoretical Study of College Website Structures




The purpose of this study is to construct an ideal Taiwanese college website, by analyzing and adapting the best practices of American college sites. The researcher selected four college websites from both Taiwan and the United States for observation. From these cases, interviews and focus groups were used to gather data and incorporate valuable user experiences into this study.Data were collected through surveys of focus groups and in-depth interviews, and then analyzed, classified, and context-associated in order to establish a theory grounded on a reflection of social reality.With the goal of meeting user needs by constructing an ideal college website model, this study focused on four major axes: physical features, organizational structures, human aggregates, and constructed meanings. Regarding physical features, the findings of this study call for providing thorough, friendly, practical and lively information. For organizational structures, the key goal is to provide cross-organizational structure, integrated innovation and a diverse array of services In the case of human aggregates, it is desirable to attach great importance to diverse culture groups, showing care and providing support. Finally, in the area of constructed meanings, it is preferable to emphasize greening, sustainability, integration and sharing. A comprehensive plan based on the structural model established by this study enables college websites to meet the needs of their users, highlight the institutions’ special features, and conform to universal design trends, thus giving schools a favorable competitive edge.


林思宇(2009 年8 月1 日)。世界大學網路排名臺灣大學第26。大紀元 EpochTimes.com。2010 年7 月14 日,取自http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/9/8/1/n2609364.htm。
