  • 期刊


Discussing on Textual and Historic Problems of Celestial Statutes of Nüqing in Taoism of Song Dynasty




鬼律 女青天律 天心正法 張道陵 天師道 道教 宋代


We will discuss on celestial statutes of taoism from Northern Song to mid-Southern Song dynasty in this article. First, we should confirm when the scripture "celestial statutes of Nüqing"(女青天律) was written ,and then find what Taoist school it belonged to. Secondly, "demon statutes of spiritual text"(上清骨髓靈文鬼律) which was made by Tianxin school in Northern Song dynasty, we will explain its meaning of historic effection. Then we will attend to understand the relation between "demon statutes of spiritual text" (上清骨髓靈文鬼律) and "celestial statutes of Nüqing ".(女青天律) The conclusion is that "celestial statutes of Nüqing "(女青天律) was probably written from the late Northern Song Dynasty to the early Southern Song Dynasty, and this book was profoundly related to the Heavenly Master Taoism in Mountain Longhu at that time.


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CT87 陳景元 CHEN, JING-YUAN:《元始無量度人上品妙經四註》Yuan Shi Wu Liang Du Ren Shang Pin Miao Jing Si Zhu
CT99 佚名 ANONYMOUS:《九天應元雷聲普化天尊玉樞寶經集註》Jiu Tian Ying Yuan Lei Sheng Pu Hua Tian Zun Yu Shu Bao Jing Ji Zhu
