  • 期刊


Home Economic of Integrated Curriculum at Primary and Secondary School Level—An Australism Example


本研究旨在了解澳洲關鍵能力導向的家政教育課程架構與內涵,以作爲我國中小學家政教育改革與九年一貫課程訂定之參攷。本研究採用文獻分析、實地訪問攷察與專家卒談法,以確切深入了解澳洲的家政教育。本研究的主要結論如下: 爲使中小學課程符合時代變遷,適應青海年身心發展需求,學以致用,體現自我,迎向新世紀,提昇國家競爭力,促使澳洲教育當局自1989年起全力進行教育改革,強調關鍵能力導向,以培育具有競爭力的學生。澳洲的課程改革發展全國共同性的教育上標,針對八大學習領域發展課程敘述與指標,各州據以發展課程架構。明確具體的能力指標,分八個層級,反應出學校義務教育階段所應達到的上標。教師據以設計不同層次的教學活動與實施評量。 基於家政的屬性,自1992年後澳洲的中小學課程中,家政課程內涵融合於若幹學習領域,最主要在「科技」、「健康與體育」、「社會與環境」領域。澳洲中小學家政教育困境,確認家政的定位與發展方向,塑造專業形象,充實新知,進入公領域爭取窨,爲當務之急。


家政教育 家政 澳洲教育


The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of home economics in Australia. The research methods used in this study were document analysis, field study, panel experts and interviewing educational administrators in Australia. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1.The Common and Agreed National Goals for Schooling in Australia recommends the formulation of a national curriculum consisting of statements and profiles in eight essential learning areas: Mathematics, English, Science, Technology, Health and Physical Education, Studies of Society and Environment, Arts and Language other than English, 2. The contents of Home Economics are integrated into three curriculum areas: Technology, Health and Physical Education, Studies of Society and Environment. The learning objectives of each strand are further specifies in eight levels. Teachers can design teaching activities and evaluate learning effects accordingly. 3.Facing the curriculum integration and fast changing society, home economics teachers need to promote their own professional development, update the subject content, rebuild the professional image, become public and vocal in their beliefs and knowledge about home economics, and actively participate in decision making process within the school.


