  • 期刊


Learning Community of Arts Teachers: Construction and Practice of Aesthetics Community


2012年4月天下雜誌出版《學習的革命:從教室出發的改革》一書,引發學校教師熱烈討論並帶動一波實踐熱潮。日本前東京大學佐藤學教授倡導以「學習共同體」理念經營一所學生相互學習、教師相互學習、家長與社區參與學習的學校。倡議在公共性與民主精神中,培養教師同僚性與在課堂中進行「協同學習」、「傾聽與對話」、「伸展跳躍」等學習。因著這一波學習的革命,許多中小學藝術領域教師們展開學習共同體的探索與實踐,在研究者參與過程中發現,教師學習共同體探究與實踐多聚焦於教師學習社群運作以及課堂教學研究的實作,對於如何進行(how to)的步驟與技術持有高度的探究興趣與學習需求;相較之下,學界與實務界對於藝術領域教師學習共同體的批判性與創造性的認識論與方法論的建構尚在探究中,為了避免趕流行下的形式再現與技術複製模式中造成喪失了社群反思與生成(becoming)的實踐危機,本文目的係分析當前藝術領域教師學習共同體的認識論與方法論的論述,並以Eisner(1960)的美學社群(aesthetics community)與Irwin(2008)藝游誌社群(a/r/tography community)為理論基礎,提出藝術領域教師的學習共同體是一美學社群,也是相互學習的藝游誌社群;最後,分析兩個案例並提出藝術教師學習共同體如何建構與實踐,及其困境與突破。


The book ”Learning Revolution: An Innovation from Classrooms” released in the April issue of CommonWealth had aroused a nationwide discussion and led to a wave of practice as well. Manabu Sato claims reciprocal learning in learning community and to construct a learning community for students, teachers, and parents. Thanks to the movement of learning revolution, many teachers of arts domain of the junior high and the primary schools have launched the explorative implementation of learning community. By participating in the learning activities, the researcher found that the teachers can focus on the how to work on the community and to do lesson study. They have showed the keen interest in the steps and skills of ”how-to”. Comparatively, many Scholars are still exploring all the possibilities of criticism and creativity of learning community of teachers in arts domain for fear of losing community reflection and possibilities of becoming, due to a follow-suit stereotype or skill-coping mode.The paper aims to analyze the discourses of the epistemology and the methodology of teachers learning community, and based on the aesthetics community of Eisner(1960) and (a/r/tography community) of Irwin (2004), proposes that the arts teachers' learning community should be both an aesthetics community and an interactive a/r/tography community. At the last section two cases are offered to demonstrate how the arts teachers construct, practice, struggle with their community, and the dilemma they are encountering.


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