  • 期刊


The Reform-thinking of History Education for West Germany's Consolidation as a Democratic State: from Nationalism to Citizenship Education


當代德國歷史教育的基礎,奠定於第二次世界大戰結束後至兩德民主統一前西德歷史教育的根本性改革。回顧這段歷史可以清楚看到,西德歷史教育改革歷程與西德民主鞏固經過都歷經波折,也非歷史學界與歷史教育界單方面努力獲致的成果。第二次世界大戰結束後,德國社會內部不願意接受美國要求的「重新再教育」(re-education),因此在盟軍允許的架構下,走上自主研發歷史教育的改良∕創新之路。然而,剛建國時的西德面臨抉擇:要在「德國不可分割」的考量下,與俾斯麥(Otto Bismarck, 1815-1898)建立的統一德國相連結,重新以19世紀蘭克(Leopold von Ranke, 1795-1886)的國族主義史學為依歸?還是應該正視「德意志聯邦共和國」民主政治新的存在,擺脫蘭克國族史學大傳統的桎梏,讓歷史教育與民主社會需要的「公民政治教育」結合?本文將論述,這個走出「國族史學」、走向公民民主教育的歷史教育改革歷程,不僅映照出西德社會認同「聯邦德國」這個民主國家的崎嶇經過;同時也反映西德社會在聯邦德國鞏固民主多元文化「價值」的面向上,配合「轉型正義」(transitional justice),逐步摸索出西德歷史教育如何結合公民教育重視的「民主能力」(Demokratiefähigkeit)。


The contemporary German school education in history is based on West-Germany's profound reforms of history education in the Cold War period. Initially, the USA asked Germany to accept the suggestion of "re-education" to conform to the American approach; however, resistance and reluctance from German society to follow the American path made the USA aware that the better solution was to encourage the Germans to find their own path of history education reform. The key challenge of history education reform for the newly-founded Federal Republic of Germany in the beginning was the making a choice between the national history orientation based on Leopold von Ranke's nationalism tradition or a brand new re-orientation toward democracy and civic society. The following struggles between these two directions in accordance with the changes of political environment until 1970s and the nationwide consensus of orienting toward democracy and civic society together in the 1980s demonstrate the achievements of transitional justice and the profoundly rooted conviction of democracy and plurality.


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