  • 期刊


An Explorative Teaching Conduct of the Cognition Development, Spirituality Development and Citizenship Development of College Students


本文主旨在於探討大學生認知發展、靈性發展與公民發展之相關性及重要性,並提出若干教育作為的建議。本文分為五部分,前言說明高中「公民與社會」課程漸受到應有的重視,教育部已正式列入指定考試科目,高等教育學子必然是將來公民社會知識份子的主體力量,公民資質(也稱公民資格或公民素質)發展與大學生的認知發展及靈性發展彼此密切相關;其次是介紹Perry認知發展理論、Parks靈性發展理論攸關批判性思考、統整決定能力、歸屬的對象與認同社群大小及介紹Dynneson & Gross公民發展理論;第三部分說明三者理論與後現代公民資質多元發展的情形;第四部份則導出高等教育應積極全面推廣公民教育,應用理論促進大學生公民發展之教育作為,使公民教育落實為生命教育的實質內涵;最後結論指出若能將大學生認知發展、靈性發展理論及公民發展理論整合多元公民資質,運用在公民教育的教學目標、教學內容與推動生命教育的具體方案活動上,則可避免「公民與社會」相關通識課程淪為徒具形式的營養學分課程,為大學生公民教育及未來畢業後的人生開創務實、前瞻的新世界。


This paper is meant to explore the relativity and importance of the college students' cognition development, spirituality development and citizenship development as well as to make some suggestions for teaching conduct. This article is divided into five sections. The foreword is about how the subject of ”Citizenship and Society” has been gradually given the attention it rightly deserves in senior high school. The Department of Education has made it one of the subjects of the college entrance examination; the students of higher education will definitely become the main body of the intellectuals of the civil society; citizenship is interrelated with the cognition development and spirituality development of college students. For the second section, we introduce Perry's theory of cognition development, Parks's theory about spirituality development, and Dynneson & Gross's theory of citizenship development. The third section is to demonstrate the theories of the three scholars and the pluralistic development of postmodern citizenship. And the fourth section is to conclude that teaching conduct of higher education should play an aggressive role in the advocacy of citizenship education, contributing to the citizenship development of college students. In this paper, we declare that cognition development and spirituality development should be integrated and applied in the citizenship education and then become the real content of the life education. Finally, as conclusion and suggestion, it is pointed out: if the theory about college students' cognition development and spirituality development could be combined with the theory of citizenship, integrated with the theory of citizenship development, applied in the content and instructional methods of citizenship education as well as in the specific programs of advancing the life education, we can prevent the general courses relevant to ”Citizenship and Society” from becoming a Mickey Mouse class or insubstantial subject. By that means, we can create a practical and forward-looking perspective of not only the citizenship education of college students but also the global citizenship education after these students graduate from college.


林靜嫻(2014)。靈性健康、靈性領導、情緒調節與工作態度之關係: 以台灣及大陸壽險業務員為例〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-2611201410191461
