  • 期刊


The Equity Effects of Three Higher Education Policies in Taiwan




This paper attempts to discuss the equity effects of three higher education policies (education quotas, education subsidies and tuition fees adjustments) in Taiwan. We develop a two-period overlapping generational model where the education quota of the public university is limited and the quality of the public university is better than that of the private university. The simulations show that: (1) an increase in the education quota of the public/private university will raise intergenerational upward mobility and lessen the reverse income distribution, but at the same time will widen the wage inequality and increase the Gini coefficient; (2) an increase in the public education subsidies will raise (not decrease) the wage inequality and Gini coefficient; (3) an increase in the tuition fees of the public university will reduce the intergenerational upward mobility slightly, but will improve the reverse income distribution significantly.


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