  • 期刊


From Traditions of Ascension to Pure Land's Belief: The Original Source and Relevant Issues on Pure Land's Belief of Amitābha Buddha




淨土 阿彌陀佛 西方淨土 兜率天 生天


The essence of Pure Land's Belief is concerned with the bodhisattva's "purifying of the land and enlightening the mortals", with the bodhisattva as the liberator and the mortals who are liberated. The doctrines of Pure Land's Belief encourage all bodhisattvas to fulfill the Great Act and Great Will of Amitābha Buddha. However, those who seek the Pure Land have become attached to the practice of faith instead of the faith itself. It is for this reason that Amitābha Buddha's Pure Land Dharma is highly influential in Chinese Buddhism. The focus of this article is on the origin and development of Pure Land's Belief as a conception of paradise in the afterlife, rather than descriptions of the bodhisattva's will and action. Through exploring the cultural interactions between Buddhism and Brahmanism, specifically on the evolution and development of the idea of "the way of ascension", this thesis will discuss how "the way of ascension" finally became the Pure Land's Belief in Buddhism. Starting from its emergence to the relevant studies among different Buddhist schools, the thesis will explore the possible factors of how the practice of Amitābha Buddha's Pure Land is prevailing in Mahayana Buddhism from the perspective of cultural interaction and religious competition.


陳敏齡:〈西方淨土的宗教學詮釋〉,《中華佛學學報》第 13 期(2000 年5 月)。DOI:10.6986/CHBJ.200005.0083
《佛說無量壽經》,CBETA, T12, no. 360. Taisho Press Association. (n.d.). Fo shuo wuliang shou jing [Longer Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra of Buddhism], Vol. 1, Taisho 12, no. 360. Tokyo: Taisho Press Association.
《佛說阿彌陀三耶三佛薩樓佛檀過度人道經》,CBETA, T12, no. 362.
《佛說無量清淨平等覺經》,CBETA, T12, no. 361.
《佛說藥師如來本願經》,CBETA, T14, no. 449.
