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The Study of Using Data Mining on the Mutual Fund Performance and Herd Behaviors




Mutual funds are traded by managers with professional knowledge and background. When faced performance pressure and competition, they may buy or sell certain stocks at the same time, which is called herd behavior. This research adopts data mining as the research method, taking 106 domestic open end equity funds as the research object, first discusses the performance persistence of funds, and then uses the stock holding details of each fund to explore herd behaviors of fund managers. The results found that funds with good short-term performance will also have good performance in the long-term, while funds with poor short-term performance will have poor performance in the long-term, indicating that domestic open end equity funds exist performance persistence. The results of data mining and fund's shareholding details show that a fund manager with better performance holds MediaTek (2454) and TSMC (2330). However, in funds with poor performance, it is impossible to find that fund managers have the relevance of holding certain stocks at the same time.


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