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Planning a High-Quality Workbench Casting and Process Technique Development Project


專案管理循環為專案管理的核心,而時程分析為其中專案排程的基礎。傳統時程分析所採用的計劃評核術(PERT)隱含著下列假設:(1)作業工期為明確的實數;(2)每天的工作時段均相同;(3)作業都是可間斷的;(4)作業在工作時段內的任何時間點都可以開始。本研究以一個高品質工作台鑄件與製程技術建立專案為例,探討在作業工期為模糊數的情況下,考慮不同工作時段與作業特性,如何進行時程分析與作業排程。為方便專案的排程與控制,本研究採用Microsoft Excel進行PERT的參數分析與關鍵鏈排程計算。這除可使計算變得較簡單易懂外,也使計算自然符合具限制的擴充原則。


The project management cycle is the core of project management, while temporal analysis is the basis of project scheduling in this cycle. The Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) used in traditional temporal analysis implies the following assumptions: (1) the activity durations are crisp numbers; (2) each working day has the same working hours; (3) the activities are preemptive; (4) every activity can start at any time point during the working hours. In this study, a project on high-quality workbench casting and technique development is used as an example to illustrate how to conduct temporal analysis and project scheduling with fuzzy activity durations, when the activities have different working hours and characteristics. For the convenience in project scheduling and control, we uses Microsoft Excel to conduct the parameter analysis of PERT and the critical chain scheduling. This not only makes the calculation more convenient and easier to understand but also meets the constrained extension principle naturally.


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