

少年型黃色肉芽腫(Juvenile Xanthogranuloma)是由皮膚真皮層樹突狀細胞過度增生所導致的良性腫瘤。好發於1歲以內之嬰幼兒。外觀呈現單個至多個黃紅色,境界鮮明、隆起並呈現橢圓型的丘疹或結節。病灶主要在頭頸部,其次為軀幹及四肢。病程為自限性,通常會在5年內自然消退。臨床表徵除皮膚病灶之外,部分患者會有眼睛及其他內臟器官侵犯。本院經歷1名7歲女童,主訴為1個月前發現左側鼻前庭腫瘤,有逐漸變大的現象。患者之前無特殊病史。理學檢查為左側鼻前庭處黃褐色卵圓型的腫瘤,表面光滑且具彈性,無壓痛感和碰觸出血傾向。鼻腔內部無異常病灶。安排手術將病灶切除,術後病理報告證實為少年型黃色肉芽腫。患者術後追蹤半年,並無復發跡象。少年型黃色肉芽腫的治療方式取決於腫瘤大小、位置及臨床症狀。大多數的病灶屬於自限性,只需要持續觀察追蹤即可。腫瘤切除後,並不常見局部復發。發生於鼻前庭部的少年型黃色肉芽腫相當罕見。特提出病例報告,討論診斷及治療方法並做相關文獻回顧。


黃色肉芽腫 少年型 鼻前庭


Juvenile xanthogranuloma is characterized by single or multiple reddish-yellow, welldefined, oval and dome-shaped papules or nodules. It is a benign tumor caused bydermal dendritic cell proliferation. It usually affects infants. The lesion mainly occurs in the head, neck, trunk and the four extremities and it usually regresses spontaneously in five years. A 7-year-old girl presented with her chief complaint being a left nasal vestibular tumor that had gradually grown over one month. There was no unusual history before visiting our department. The physical examination showed a brownish-yellow-oval elastic tumor of the left nasal vestibule that was smooth surfaced, non-tender, and did not bleed to the touch. No other abnormalities were found when the patient was examined. The tumor was excised and proved to be juvenile xanthogranuloma. No tumor recurrence was noticed over a 6-month follow up. Treatment depends on the tumor's size, site and clinical symptoms. Most cases are self-limited and therefore continuous follow up is necessary. The local recurrence rate is very low after surgical excision. We present this case because nasal cavity juvenile xanthogranuloma is extremely rare. This report will aid diagnosis and help discussions about treatment in the literature.


xanthogranuloma juvenile nasal vestibule
