

目的:研究台灣地區頭頸癌之流行病學變化和特色。 方法:整理並分析1988年至1997年間行政院衛生署所出版之台灣地區頭頸癌登記年報,並依據國際腫瘤學疾病分類(ICD-O)統計分析各種頭頸癌之流行病學相關數值。 結果:台灣地區頭頸癌個案數逐年增加,以男性個案增加特別明顯。好發的頭頸癌類別依序為口腔癌、鼻咽癌、喉癌、下咽癌、口咽癌和鼻-鼻竇-耳癌,而以主唾液腺癌最少。且口腔癌自1994年起已取代鼻咽癌成為台灣地區最常見的頭頸癌。1997年時台灣地區口腔癌每10萬人的粗發生率已達14.7(男)及2.1(女),約佔所有頭頸癌的42.9%,其好發部位則以舌及頰黏膜最常發生,分佔口腔癌總數的35%和28%,發病年齡集中在40-49歲、50-59歲和60-69歲3個年齡層,且各年齡層發病數目都有逐年增加趨勢。 結論:1988年至1997年間頭頸癌的粗發生率由11.0例暴增到20.1例,增加的部分主要以男性為主。此外口腔癌佔頭頸癌的比例由28.7%增加到42.9%,取代鼻咽癌成為台灣地區最常見的頭頸癌,且大部分的口腔癌病患也都是男性。因此,男性同胞和口腔癌是台灣地區頭頸癌防治工作的主要目標。


頭頸癌 口腔癌 癌症登記


PURPOSES: To analyze and report changes in the incidence and types of head and neck cancer in Taiwan area. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The relevant data for head and neck cancer spanning 1988 to 1997 were extracted from the annual Taiwan area cancer registry report published by the Executive Yuan. Various head and neck cancers were defined using ICD-O criteria. Overall, gender and crude incidence were obtained. RESULTS: The case numbers of head and neck cancer increased every year during the study period. Most of the increase occurred in males. The most common tumors, in decreasing order, were oral cavity cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, hypopharyngeal cancer, oropharyngeal cancer and nose-paranasal sinus-ear cancer. Major salivary gland cancer was the least common. Oral cavity cancer has replaced nasopharyngeal cancer as the most common head and neck malignancy since 1994. The crude incidence per 100,000 of population for oral cavity cancer in 1997 was 14.7 for males and 2.1 for females, accounting for one third of all head and neck cancers. The most frequently sites of oral cavity involvement were the tongue and buccal membrane, representing 35% and 28% of the entire group, respectively. Regarding age at the time of presentation, most cases of oral cavity cancer were seen in the fifth to seventh decades of life. Each year, there was an in crease in incidence in all decades. CONCLUSION: The incidence for head and neck cancer increased from 11.0 to 20.1 cases per 100,000 of population between 1988 and 1997. Males almost exclusively made up the increase. The proportion of oral cavity cancer in the entire head and neck cancer group increased from 28.7% to 42.9%, displacing nasopharyngeal cancer as the most common head and neck cancer in Taiwan. The increase in oral cavity cancer was predominantly in male patients. Health policy and health care providers need to target the male population and oral cavity cancer in future prevention and treatment initiatives in Taiwan.




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