  • 期刊


Prevalence of Seafood Allergy in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis


背景: 食物過敏與其他過敏性疾病如氣喘及過敏性鼻炎的相關研究並不多。臺灣身為海島,海鮮的食用頻繁,且臨床經驗不少鼻炎病人有海鮮類過敏的經驗。故進行本研究了解過敏性鼻炎患者中對海鮮食物過敏的比例。 方法: 自2002年7月至10月間共157名具過敏性鼻炎症狀及病史者加入本研究。所有病人均接受問卷訪視及皮內過敏原皮膚試驗並分析其結果。 結果: 157名病人中,28名(17.8%)患者主訴有食物不良反應的經驗。27名(17.2%)患者表示有經醫師診斷的其他過敏性疾病存在。皮膚試驗顯示有99名(63.1%)對至少1種吸入性過敏原呈陽性反應,有54名(34.4%)對1種或1種以上的海鮮過敏原呈陽性反應,共103名(65.6%)患者對至少1種測試的過敏原呈陽性反應。這54名海鮮過敏原呈陽性反應患者中有16名在問卷中提及有相符的海鮮類食物不良反應的經驗,診斷為海鮮食物過敏。 結論: 我們的病人群中顯示過敏性鼻炎患者中約有1至2成患者同時有海鮮過敏。而其與鼻炎症狀的相關性需再進一步以飲食限制或飲食日誌來了解。


BACKGROUND: Seafood is a frequent cause of adverse food reactions in atopic patients. However, the exact prevalence is unknown. So this work is going to study the prevalence of seafood allergy in patients with allergic rhinitis in Taiwan. METHODS: Patients with typical symptoms of allergic rhinitis were collected. They underwent skin testing to find possible allergens. The skin testing included 4 inhalant allergens (house dust, ragweed, cotton and candida) and 6 seafood allergens (sardine, tunny, cuttlefish, lobster, oyster and crab). RESULTS: Between July and October of 2002, 157 patients were enrolled in this study. Among them, 28 patients reported seafood adverse reactions before. Twenty-seven patients have been diagnosed with other atopic diseases. Ninety-nine (63.1%) patients had positive skin testing to inhalant allergens, and 54 (34.4%) patients had positive skin testing to seafood allergens. One hundred and three (65.6%) patients had positive skin testing to at least one allergen. Sixteen patients had compatible history of clinical food adverse reaction with skin testing. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that seafood allergy was quite prevalent in patients with allergic rhinitis although the clinical relevance needs further investigation.
