  • 期刊


Analysis of High Frequency DPOAE in Tinnitus Patients with Normal Hearing Thresholds


背景:耳鳴(tinnitus)大部分是一種主觀的症狀,在臨床上很難用客觀的方法加以評估。本研究的目的在利用高頻變頻耳聲傳射(Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission; DPOAE),探討聽力閾值(healing threshold)正常之主觀性耳鳴病患的耳蝸活動(cochlear activity),尋找可以早期診斷的客觀評估工具。 方法:我們比較並分析門診聽力閾值正常的主觀性耳鳴病患(觀察組)與對照組(聽力閾值正常,無耳科疾患的正常人)之間,高頻DPOAE檢查(2-12kHz)的結果。 結果:聽力閾值正常之主觀性耳鳴病患的平均變頻耳聲傳射值(DP letel)在4, 6, 8, 10kHz等頻率出現顯著下降的情形,且任一頻率出現DP level顯著下降的比例(49.3%)較對照組(l4.5%)爲高。 結論:持續性主觀耳鳴的病患,即使聽力閾值正常,臨床上也可以運用高頻DPOAE加以客觀地評估,DP level的下降特別容易出現在4,6,8,10 kHz等頻率範圍。臨床醫師可利用此早期出現的客觀證據,建議部分聽力正常的耳鳴病患更嚴格地遵守聽力保護措施,以預防聽力及耳鳴的惡化。


BACKGROUND: Differential diagnosis of tinnitus is usually difficult because of its subjectivity. We investigate cochlear activity in normal hearing tinnitus patients using high frequency Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAE). METHODS: High frequency DPOAE (2-12 kHz) was measured and compared in normal hearing tinnitus patients (observation group) and normal subjects (controlgroup). RESULTS: The averaged DP-gram of the normal hearing tinnitus patient was significantly different from that of the normal subject in 4, 6, 8, 10 kHz. Significant decreases in DPOAE amplitude over a limited frequency range were observed in 49.3% of the normal hearing tinnitus patient and in 14.5% of the control group. CONCLUSIONS: Tinnitus can be objectively evaluated by DPOAE, especially in high frequencies (4, 6, 8, 10 kHz). Significant decreases in DP amplitude over some frequencies (4-10 kHz) are indicators which help to convince normal hearing tinnitus patient of more aggressive hearing protection strategies.
