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The relationship among work stress, emotional intelligence, and emotional exhaustion: an empirical study on Taiwanese dietitians



Objectives: The purposes of this study were to understand the work stress, emotional intelligence, and emotional exhaustion status of Taiwanese dietitians, and to determine the predictors of emotional exhaustion. Methods: A total of 320 practising dietitians voluntarily participated in the online questionnaire survey. The self-administered, structured survey consisted of the Occupational Stress Indicator-2, the Emotional Intelligence Scale, the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Chinese, and questions seeking general information. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and hierarchical regression were performed for the analyses. Results: This study found that workload was the main source of work stress among dietitians and they were at moderate levels of burnout. The 5 subscales of emotional intelligence were all higher than the middle point of the measurement scale. Those who worked in hospitals had significantly higher levels of work stress and emotional exhaustion. The final model explained 46.2% of the variance in emotional exhaustion. Work place, work stress, and emotional intelligence were significant predictors of emotional exhaustion. Conclusions: Emotional exhaustion is a noteworthy issue among Taiwanese dietitians, especially for those working in hospitals. The study’s findings suggest a significant association between emotional intelligence and emotional exhaustion; thus, enhancement of emotional intelligence may need to be at the core of future interventions.


目標:本研究旨在瞭解台灣營養師工作壓力、情緒智慧和情緒耗盡之現況,並找出情緒耗盡之預測因子。方法:全國共有320名執業中營養師志願透過線上問卷調查的方式參與本研究,研究工具包括職業壓力指標第二版、情緒智慧量表和職業倦怠量表中文版及個人資料問卷,資料分析方法為描述性統計、單因子變異數分析和多元階層迴歸分析法。結果:工作負荷大為營養師最主要的壓力來源,情緒智慧各面向表現皆高於平均值,情緒耗盡表現則為中度職業倦怠; 在醫院工作的營養師工作壓力較大、情緒耗盡情況較為嚴重。階層迴歸模式顯示所有變項可以解釋營養師情緒耗盡46.2%的總變異量,工作地點、工作壓力和情緒智慧都是情緒耗盡之顯著預測因子。結論:台灣營養師之情緒耗盡情況是一個值得重視的問題,尤其是在醫院工作的營養師問題更為嚴重。本研究發現情緒智慧是情緒耗盡的顯著預測因子,提升營養師的情緒智慧或許是未來改善情緒耗盡的重要策略。


營養師 情緒耗盡 情緒智慧 工作壓力


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