  • 期刊


An Action Research of Improving Functional Vision of Multiple Disabilities and Cortical Visual Impairment Student




Cortical visual impairment (CVI) is the most common cause of the visual impairment in children in the United States (Roman, 2010). Children with CVI commonly have other neurological problems associated with damage to the brain. These multiple disabilities with visually impaired (including CVI) students usually have communication problems. There is indication that through the interventions, improvement in the functional vision of multiple disable children who have CVI is measured. This action research used case-study method to report the progress of a 13-year- old boy with multiple disabilities and visual impairment. The conclusions of the study are as follows: During the implement of the visual training plan, the environmental interventions or adaptations and the using of iPad do encourage visual attention and learing motivation. The score on the assessment of CVI Range of the student is improved.
