  • 期刊


Survey and Analysis of Journal of Health and Architecture


背景:健康與建築雜誌於102年10月出刊,至今已有兩年半的歷史。去年2015年上半年華藝資料庫統計本雜誌的下載成長率居生醫領域第一名,引起大家對本雜誌的重視及注意,因此本雜誌先做初步自我評估調查,以期了解期刊雜誌本身的優缺點,作為未來努力的方向。目的:本文擬將健康與建築雜誌出刊八期的雜誌內容現況做個調查與初步評估!內容包括八期出版的內容、華藝線上圖書館提供的統計及申請台灣人文及社會科學期刊評比暨核心期刊收錄評量標準初評結果,作為未來發展參考。研究方法:將健康與建築雜誌第一卷第一期至第三卷第一期共八期所有的內容加一整理分析,例如將:名人墨寶、發行人的話、學術論著、研究論著、名人專訪等方面做個初評及整理分析,並與華藝線上圖書館的統計及核心期刊評量標準做個比較,以了解健康與建築雜誌之優缺點!結果:出刊八期,「學術論著」發表文章15篇;「研究論著」登載計67篇,在建築方面有29篇,健康方面有38篇;「名人專訪」11篇;每期平均頁數為100頁。在2015年上半年華藝線上圖書館統計本雜誌成長率為百分之164,在生醫領域居第一名,在社會及自然領域居第二名。以TSSCI評量標準做了初評,分數為90分。結論與應用:未來將邀請產官學界學者專家及優良雜誌總編輯、編輯專家等開研討會或座談會,共同為本雜誌診斷、評分,用以找出本雜誌優缺點及未來發展正確的方向,以期朝向申請TSSCI(Taiwan Social Science Citation Index) 的目標前進!


Background: Journal of Health and Architecture (JHA) was published since October, 2013. It has been printed two and half years. This journal earned first rank in biomedical field on the first half of 2015 year according to Airitilibrary Database Statistics. Download growth rate was 164% of this magazine. It caused everyone's attention to this journal. Therefore, JHA started to do self-assessment survey, in order to understand JHA journal’s advantages and disadvantages, as the effort direction of future trend. Purposes: 1. To survey JHA' contents with the current situation, including eight issues during two and half years; 2. To understand the information from Airitilibrary Database Statistics; 3. To evaluate JHA by using the assessment tool from TSSCI standards. Methods: The Journal of Health and Architecture (JHA) had been published two and half years. Total of Eight issues were collected and analyzed according to the contents, such as: Celebrity calligraphy, Cover page, Publisher's remarks, Academic publications, Research papers, Interview with famous person, etc. Airitilibrary Database Statistics were used to know the download growth rate and contents of JHA. TSSCI standards were also used as a tool to evaluate the score of JHA, in order to assess the advantages and disadvantages. Results: It showed 8 issues published. There are 15 Academic articles; 67 Research papers published including 29 Research papers in architecture field, 38 Research papers in health area. There are 11 famous person were interviewed; an average of 100 pages per issue were published. In the first half of 2015 year, Airitilibrary Database Statistics showed download growth rate of JHA was 164 % increasing. JHA earned first rank in biomedical field; and second rank in social and nature field. TSSCI appraisal standards tool was used to estimate. The result showed JHA had earned 90 scores. Conclusions and Application: The editors of JHA will invite scholars and experts including different sectors, such as industry, government and academic fields, and excellent magazine editors to held open seminar or symposium. The experts will help JHA to diagnosis problems; find advantages and weakness of the magazine. Final objective is to choose correct future development direction, in order to achieve TSSCI (Taiwan Social Science Citation Index) goal!
