  • 期刊


Research on the Residents' Experience and Behavior Under The Influence of Extreme Weather - A Case Study of Linbian and Jiadong Township in Pingtung County after August 8 Flood


隨著社會進步與開發需求的增加,環境破壞與日俱增,環境變遷乃成為不爭之事實,而人們面對災害發生之環境識覺及其為減緩災害衝擊所進行的調適行為,為地理學研究重點之一。林邊鄉與佳冬鄉位於屏東縣沿海地區,由於養殖業興盛以及地理環境的特殊性,三十餘年來地下水抽取情形相當嚴重,為全國地層下陷問題最為嚴重之地區,累積最大下陷量達3.02公尺,目前海拔高度接近於海平面,致使此地區每逢大雨淹水的狀況,成為當地居民心中揮不去的夢魘,八八水災所帶來之衝擊更勝以往。IPCC(IPCC AR4,2007)預測全球各地發生極端氣候機率升高,因而建議各國除推動減緩(mitigation)策略外,更應推動相關之調適(adaptation)工作。本研究引用行為地理學之研究取徑,採取質化研究以深度訪談、焦點團體與參與觀察等方法,對中央與地方官員、研究區內居民進行水患之政策與環境識覺調查,研究經歷八八水災後,居民對於環境災害之調適行為以及對地方政府政策之反應。研究主要發現:1.災區居民雖具備相對豐富的災害經驗並出現調適行為,但在經歷八八水災後,在經濟生產利益驅使下,仍承受未來可能再次發生的災害風險,維持原有之傳統養殖土地利用型態;2.居民對於政府相關政策充滿不信任感,卻又極度依賴政府之防洪建設。


Along with the development of society and the rise of land development demands, people’s interference to the environment increases, and the environmental changes strengthen. Consequently, the frequency and scale of environmental hazards rise. Linbian and Jiadong Township locate in the southwest coastal area of Pingtung County. Due to the blossom of fish farming and its unique geographical environment, this area has been suffering badly from the groundwater extraction for over 30 years. And have become the worst locations with the most serious problem of land subsidence. The maximum cumulative subsidence has reached up to 3.02 meters. In addition, its current altitude is close to the sea level resulting in habitual flooding during raining season as well as the nightmare of the local residents. IPCC (Article 4, 2007) predicts that the occurrence of extreme climate around the globe would rise and recommends that every country should endeavor in promoting relevant adaptation work apart from efforts for mitigation strategy. This study aims behavior geography via which qualitative research method is applied to conduct in-depth interviews in an attempt to investigate environmental perception of residents and the policy of governors in the research area, hoping to explore the adaptation and the reaction of residents while coping with environment hazard after August 8 Flood. The research findings are as follows: 1. After August 8 Flood, the residents have shown more anxiety and only reflect on the relocation of their space and furniture. Driven by the economical production benefit, they may maintain traditional farming on the land use and result in great risk of being exposed to future hazards. 2. Residents distrust the Government’s policy but rely on the flood control construction of Government heavily.
