  • 期刊


Community Inhabitants' Attitudes on the Partitioning of Urban Space Derived from South-eastern Asian Migrant Workers' Gathering in Urban Commercial Area-Case Study on Tainan City, Kaohsiung City and Taichung City


近年來,外籍勞動者在全球化時代的經濟動力下,如何造就了新的全球城市,以及這樣的資本與人力資源的大規模流動,對於移居國的都會空間產生重大的影響,已成為學術界值得探討的課題,而且,在過去,國內也比較缺乏此一課題的研究。因此,本研究旨在探討「社區居民對東南亞外籍勞工在都市商業區的聚集與消費活動所造成之都市空間分割的感受」,並以台南市、高雄市與台中市為經驗研究的地區。本研究採用的研究方法主要包括問卷調查、參與觀察法以及迴歸分析等三種方法。本研究所需資料主要來自台南市、高雄市與台中市東南亞外勞聚集之商業區所在之當地社區居民的回答答案。資料分析方式則利用SPSS 10.3版統計軟體進行統計與分析工作。研究成果主要包括:(1)在台南市、高雄市與台中市,都顯示當地居民與外勞活動空間開始有明顯區隔,所謂「獨立的、分割的都市空間」已明顯成型,其中,台中市此一比例是比在高雄市與台南市要高。(2)社區居民對於外籍勞工在商店街之聚集,所造成「負面」衝擊上,社區居民通常會表現出容忍的態度。在台中市,社區居民對於外勞的聚集,基本上是相對不友善的,比高雄市與台南市要來得強烈。(3)在商業區東南亞外籍勞工之聚集對都市空間分割化影響因素上之比較上,從社區居民的觀點出發,台南市、高雄市與台中市三大都市有明顯的不同,這些影響因素均達統計顯著性,為一個有效的預測變項。在台南市,①居住時間愈久以及②農林漁牧職業背景的居民,愈容易認為外勞消費活動的聚集,會造成都市空間的分割化。在高雄市,①非伊斯蘭教、②非離婚以及③對外勞的態度愈正向的居民,愈會覺得容易造成都市空間的分割化。在台中市,①職業非工人、②非資產階級/自由業、③有職業、④認為在「文化上」有發生前後改變者以及⑤認為在「活動上」有發生前後改變者的居民,比較容易覺得會造成都市空間的分割化,它們都成為有效的預測變項,值得重視。因此,本文獲得重要的結論,那就是:在社區居民觀點下,對東南亞外籍勞工之聚集對都市空間分割化之感受,可以從社區居民的社經屬性與社區居民對外勞在商業區之聚集的看法,來加以找尋。


This study is to explore South-eastern Asian migrant workers' impacts and their influential factors of gathering/consumption activities on divided cities in Tainan City, Kaohsiung City and Taichung City. We will take on empirical study in the citys' commercial area or shopping street in three cities. Three major research methods are applied, including questionnaire survey, participant observation and regression analysis. Data will be obtained from the questionnaire answers of local inhabitants and analysed via SPSS10.3 statistical methods. The main outcomes of this study are as follows: 1. In Tainan City, Kaohsiung City and Taichung City, we have found that the partitioning of urban space has begun to become. Among this, the outcome of Taichung City has more stronger than the two other cities. 2. In the impacts of migrant workers' gathering on commercial streets, community inhabitants also have tolerant attitude than shop keepers. The community inhabitants of Taichung City have more hostile than those of two other cities. 3. In comparison on South-eastern Asian migrant workers' gathering in urban commercial area and its relations between the partitioning of urban space, from the viewpoint of local inhabitants, we have found different influential factors among Tainan City, Kaohsiung City and Taichung City. We can say these factors will be valid predictable variables on divided cities resulted from migrant workers' gathering/consumption activities in the paper. In Tainan City, residents (1) who have longer residence time, and (2) those who have agriculture, forestry, fishery, and animal husbandry working backgrounds, tend to think migrant workers' consumption activity have more impact on urban space partitioning. In Kaohsiung City, residents (1) who are non-Muslims, (2) non-divorced people, and (3) who have more positive attitude toward migrant workers, tend to think it has more impact on urban space partitioning. In Taichung City, residents (1) who are not working as industrial workers, (2) Non-Bourgeois, non-freelancers, (3) who have a job, (4) who think it has brought cultural changes, (5) and who think it has brought changes on activity events, tend to think it has more impact on urban space partitioning. These are all effective predictor variables which worth our attention. Thus, we can make the important conclusions in this paper that: In community residents' points of view, we can look for community resident's opinions about migrant worker's gathering in the business districts from different socio-economic backgrounds, in order to predict their feeling towards Southeast Asian migrant workers' gathering in urban space partitioning. In the meantime, we can obtain these influential factors among these three cities through two variables: (1) community inhabitants' socio-economic attributes and (2) community inhabitants' responses on migrant workers' gathering/consumption activities in commercial area.


