  • 期刊



隨著運動員訓練質量負荷越來越大,一些選手在訓練或比賽中發生猝死(sudden death)的情形時有所聞,並且已經造成訓練安排上的困擾。運動猝死的原因牽涉到諸多因素,但是心臟方面結構或是傳導異常是導致猝死的主要因素,也就是心因性猝死(sudden cardiac death, SCD)。非運動員以及運動員猝死的死因並不相同,非運動員猝死大多是因為缺血性心臟疾病(ischaemic heart disease),而運動員猝死的原因多為心臟結構方面異常,其中肥厚性心肌症(hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, HCM)是運動員猝死最主要因素。然而有極少數的選手,其心肌產生不尋常的肥厚情形,很可能朝向病理性心肌肥大發展。在從事運動訓練之前,教練及選手應做好事先檢查評估,以降低猝死發生的機率。本文回顧近年文獻,歸納運動員心因性猝死的可能原因,並提出預防運動員心因性猝死的方法與對策,提供投身於運動訓練的教練、選手以及體育教師參考。


With the loading of training becoming heavier, sudden death of athletes happened during games or training frequently. This problem has disarranged the schedule of sport training. Although many factors were involved, but the main factor of exercise-induced sudden death was structural and/ or conductive abnormalities of cardiac, so-called sudden cardiac death (SCD). There are different reasons between athletes and non-athletes. Most of sudden death in non-athletes was ischaemic heart disease. However, sudden death in athletes was inclined to structural abnormalities of cardiac, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) was the predominately factor of sudden death within it. Minority athletes had unusual myocardial hypertrophy which developed toward pathology. To reduce the rate of sudden death, athletes and coaches should examine and evaluate before participating in exercise training. This literature summarizes possible reasons of sudden death in athletes utilizing review studies in recent years, and offers strategies which prevent athlete sudden cardiac death to coaches, athletes and physical education teachers.
