  • 期刊


The Implementation of Long-term Care Insurance and Service Delivery in South Korea: A Reference for Taiwan




The sociocultural background and population growth in South Korea are similar to those in Taiwan. Moreover, both South Korea and Taiwan are experiencing problems related to population aging and long-term care provision. Six years have passed since the government of South Korea implemented the long-term care (LTC) insurance for senior citizens in 2008. The approach that the South Korean government adopted referenced and integrated German and Japanese service delivery models, which can serve a valuable reference for Taiwan. In this study, we conducted a literature review and field interviews to understand the development, progress, and implementation of the LTC insurance for senior citizens in South Korea. In South Korea, a single-payer system is used, and the National Health Insurance Corporation (NHIC) assesses the LTC care needs of beneficiaries. The assessment results are submitted to an LTC Needs Certification Committee (LTCNCC) that determines whether beneficiaries are eligible to receive insurance payments and access to support services, thereby facilitating the beneficiaries' selection of services and monitoring the quality of the services provided. In this study, we describe the planning and implementation of the insurance system, including the service delivery framework for insurers, the 5 steps of the service delivery process, the utilization of support services, and the NHIC's human resource management practices regarding the associated LTC staffs and the LTCNCC members. Finally, based on the implication of South Korean LTC insurance system design and implementation for Taiwan's planning of LTC insurance service delivery system, we recommend the LTC insurers in Taiwan to (a) plan a service delivery framework and human resource allocation model that consider both quality and efficiency, (b) develop a model for LTC needs certification that simultaneously considers fairness and efficiency, (c) prepare and organize LTC resources and concurrently monitor the quality of these resources, and (d) establish a service delivery model that facilitates cooperation among insurers and service providers.


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