  • 期刊


The Relativity of the Preference for Dentists between Parents and Children


目的:在兒童牙科的治療過程中,牙醫師須將專業角色與照顧者角色結合。因牙科治療過程易引起病患的焦慮與不安,選擇自己信賴的牙科醫師,在看診時的焦慮就能明顯降低,對兒童的牙科治療,我們更應考慮此項因素的影響。本研究針對兒童選擇牙醫師的趨向及父母親的態度對兒童選擇牙醫的影響,作深入的探討。 材料與方法:自高雄市內社會局立案之幼稚園及托兒所中隨機抽取8所托兒所、幼稚園的兒童,排除身心障礙與不合作之兒童及不願配合之家長,共得212人(男童84人,女童128人,年齡介於三到六歲之間)。對兒童進行面談及發給父母問卷調查,所得結果以SAS統計軟體進行卡方檢定。 結果:學齡前兒童會選擇與自己同性別之牙醫師與年輕的牙醫師,父母親對兒童選擇牙醫師並不影響。父母親對牙醫師的選擇在牙科看診中並不偏向任何性別,唯有小孩看診行為不配合時,會傾向選擇年輕女性牙醫師。 結論:兒童會選擇與自己同樣性別的牙醫師,並會選擇年輕的牙醫師;在兒童看診行為不配合時,父母親會選擇年輕女性牙醫師。兒童對牙醫師的選擇不受父母親影響。


牙醫師性別 兒童 父母 牙科治療


Aim: In pediatric dental treatment, the dentists are able to combine both the competence associated with the masculine role and the caring associated with the feminine role. The public is becoming better educated about dentistry, and with an increased awareness and the availability of choices for dental care provider, anxiety may be reduced. The behavior control of dental treatment plays an important role in the development of children's attitudes. One important factor is that children like the dentist or not. The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether a child's attitude about the dentist could be related to the parental opinion and selection of a dentist and whether this could influence the child's preference for a male or female dentist. Materials & Methods: Two hundred and twelve children without mental disorders or handicapped condition (84 boys, 128 girls, aged from 3 to 6) were randomly selected from pre-schools, day-care centers of the Kaohsiung city. Interview with the children was conducted by one investigator and questionnaire was filled out by the parents. Chi square test was used to determine the relativity of the preference of dentist between parents and children. Results: The results indicated that the children's choice of a dentist was related to the gender of the children. Children mostly often chose a dentist of their own gender. The parents had no preference for dentists regarding dentist's gender. Parents do not have influence on their child's selection of a dentist. However, parents would have great tendency to choose young female dentists when the child showed uncooperative dental behavior. Conclusions: Children mostly often chose a young dentist of their own gender. The parents had no preference for dentists regarding dentist's gender. The child's preference for dentist was not influenced by parents.


Dentist's Gender Children Parents Dental Treatment


