  • 期刊


Correction of a Horizontally Impacted Maxillary Left Central Incisor: A Case Report


阻生的恆門齒會影響美觀及發音。在這個病例報告裡,這位十歲的男孩因為左上正中恆門齒延遲萌發及左上恆側門齒異位萌發來就診。經過臨床檢查後,訂定兩階段的治療計畫。在第一階段中,早期拔除了左上乳犬齒來引導左上恆犬齒的萌發及改善左上恆側門齒的異位萌發,在四個月後,左上恆側門齒在沒有矯正力介入的情況下,牙冠萌發至適當長度並與阻生的正中恆門齒牙胚較為分開。第二階段的治療,使用覆蓋式埋伏齒萌發術(closed-eruption technique)合併矯正治療,將阻生的上顎恆門齒導引到齒列適當的位置後,以固定式矯正裝置進行上顎牙齒的排列,達到理想的功能與美觀。


Impacted maxillary permanent incisor would affect facial esthetics and phonetics. In this case report, a 10-year-old boy with delayed eruption of the maxillary left permanent central incisor and malposition of the maxillary left lateral incisor. A 2-stage treatment plan was performed. In the stage I, guiding tooth eruption was achieved by early extraction of maxillary left deciduous canine to allow the early eruption of the canine. The second stage included the surgical exposure with closed-eruption technique of maxillary left permanent incisor and aligned by fix appliance. The impacted maxillary left permanent central incisor was aligned into the arch successfully.
