  • 期刊


Review of Xunzis's "Experienced Loser Tends to Know How to Best Manage War and Rebuild Country"




There has been an increasing interest in the relationship between Sun Tzu's The Art of War and Xunzi's (an ancient Chinese academic, philosopher and teacher) Discussing Military Strategy and Tactics. While Xunzi's seem to advocate that war developed from the knowledge for people, people still submitted to the brave and skillful warfares. Hence, Ban Gu (a Chinese historian, politician, and poet best known for his part in compiling the Book of Han) had argued that "experienced loser tends to know how to best manage war and rebuild country". The purpose of this paper is to examine on above argument. This study was designed to document the analysis of this question. We investigated this question via battles between Wu and Chu (state of ancient China), Yuan (dynasty of ancient China) and Annan (subordinate state of ancient China) for empirical examination. During the analysis, two types of battles made someone believed in the statement" experienced loser tends to know how to best manage war and rebuild country". In general, as written in Tso Chuan (an ancient Chinese narrative history), Gong Yang (an annals or commentary on the Spring and Autumn), Ku Liang (commentary on the Spring and Autumn annals), that had some different meanings for the topics. Finally, the author hopes that it will enlighten such issue to readers or at least pave the way to research that applied history to enhance the study of "experienced loser tends to know how to best manage war and rebuild country".


