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The Effects of Balanced Reading Instruction with Differentiated Grouping on Elementary Students' English Word Recognition, Reading Comprehension, and Reading Attitudes




The study aimed to investigate the effects of balanced reading instruction with differentiated grouping on elementary students' English word recognition, reading comprehension and reading attitudes. The subjects were fifty-eight third graders at an elementary school in New Taipei City. 29 of them received balanced reading instruction, and the other 29 received traditional reading instruction. The experiment lasted for 10 weeks. Before and after the experiment, the subjects took the English Word Recognition Test, the Reading Comprehension Test and responded to the Reading Attitudes Questionnaire. Besides, Teacher Journals, Students Feedback and Worksheets were collected as the qualitative data. The results revealed that the experimental group did not perform better than the control group in the English Word Recognition Test. Second, the experimental group performed significantly better than the control group in the Reading Comprehension Test. Third, the experimental group had significantly higher scores than the control group in the Reading Attitudes Questionnaire. Last, the participants in the experimental group had positive attitude towards balanced reading instruction with differentiated grouping. Based on the results of the study, some suggestions were given for balanced reading instruction with differentiated grouping. Also, some suggestions were provided for future studies.


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