  • 學位論文


Study on Portfolio of the Fittest Channel and Promotion Strategy

指導教授 : 任立中


隨著網際網路的發展,消費者在購買產品或服務時,已不再侷限於在實體通路進行消費,更可藉由電腦以及網路設備發展出來的新通路直接購買。是故為瞭解一般民眾理想中的通路型態應具備哪些屬性條件,本研究採用聯合分析法(Conjoint Analysis)對此進行分析。 聯合分析法是一種用來開發新產品的分析方法,主要在探討最佳的產品屬性組合,國內已有不少研究採用此種技術,但大多應用在實質產品上,應用在通路結構設計的部分則不多見。利用此技術,本研究得以將不同的通路屬性及其水準進行組合並依據受測者填答之內容對消費者進行市場區隔,針對不同需求的消費者制定其最適通路。 本研究利用三個構面對消費者通路行為進行分析,此三種構面分別為通路知覺、通路偏好以及消費者生活形態,利用交叉分析確定彼此之間的關連性並據以得出結論。 本研究發現,利用此三種構面分別對消費者進行市場區隔時所得出的最適通路設計並不具有一致性;通路知覺與生活形態兩者之間雖具有明顯相關性存在,但對於實際通路偏好結構方面的關連性卻不甚強烈。因此在制訂最適通路以及促銷策略時,必須考慮到消費者真正的通路偏好結構進行設計,才不致浪費行銷資源並達成一對一行銷之境界。


As a result of the development of internet, consumers are now not only consuming products and services in the physical channel but also consuming directly on the new channel forms via computers. In order to understand the attributions that ideal channel forms have, we adopt Adaptive Conjoint Analysis (ACA) to analyze this question. Conjoint analysis is a method for developing new products, mainly in the mix of the product contributions. The method is adopted widely, and most of them focus on physical products but not on channel design. Using this method, we can combine different channel distributions and their levels and do market segmentation according to the respondents’ responses. This study uses three dimensions of consumer channel behavior, including channel perception、channel preference and life style, to analyze and figure out the correlation between them. This study finds out that the fittest channel designs are not consistence under these three different dimensions. There are strong relations between channel perception and life style, but their relations with real channel preference structure are weak. Therefore, while designing the most fitted channel and promotion strategy, we have to consider the real channel preference structures of consumers.


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