  • 學位論文


Motivations and Influential Factors of the Students’ Usage in the Taipei Municipal Mingchuan Elementary School Library

指導教授 : 林珊如


本研究為個案研究,以臺北市銘傳國小學童為研究對象,採質性研究半結構式深度訪談及參與觀察兩種方法,分別訪談十六位中、高年級學童;並以局內人身份觀察記錄學童館內活動,現場並輔以非正式交談;徵集三十六件圖文徵文。研究結果歸納出學童在圖書館中有館內閱讀、借還書、查找資料、上閱讀課、使用電腦上網、享用冷氣空調、學童間社會性互動、執行清潔勤務、觀賞影片、寫作業及諮詢館員等十一種活動;同時,研究發現,學童圖書館使用動機亦有十一項,包括七項內在動機:滿足好奇、感覺無聊、尋求賞識、尋找樂趣、獲得尊重、尋求成就感、享受休閒及外在動機四項,分別為爭取成績、獲得獎賞、順應父母、同儕競爭。 影響學童使用圖書館因素概分為圖書館因素及非圖書館因素,在圖書館因素方面,包括館藏;館舍與設備;館員、活動與館規等三個面向。在館藏方面,包括館藏豐富、館藏吸引力、館藏陳列明顯。館舍與設備因素方面,包括館舍位置的獨立性、館舍便利性、館舍空間舒適性、電腦網路設備齊全,並且提供影片欣賞。館員、活動與館規因素方面,包括館員服務態度親切、閱讀推廣活動吸引人、館規人性化。另外,還包括學童學業、重要他人及其他等非圖書館因素。 同時,本研究亦發現,學童夢想中的圖書館為一個提供許多幽默、好笑書籍的漫畫天地、舒適享受的地方;館內分區明顯,並有書香咖啡區;是一個電腦遊戲的天堂、生活中的秘密基地,並有自動化的服務,更是一個夢幻城堡。對學童而言,圖書館可以是一個不拘泥於閱讀、借還書或查找資料的地方,同時,更可以提供學童休閒及人際互動所需場所。而一個以館藏為核心、以學童為主體、無安靜壓力、溫馨似家的閱讀環境,使學童在館內有想看書的感覺,正是學童深切期盼的圖書館;在其間所發生的社會性互動,透過共讀、討論與分享所流露出之歡愉,正是學童人際關係的學習與知識分享的實踐,而此一寓教於樂的學習正是課堂上難以習得的一部分,亦是圖書館潛在課程運作的展現。而本個案圖書館的經營與「國民小學圖書館設立及營運基準」間,在組織人員、館藏發展、館舍設備、營運管理、推廣與利用教育等方面,執行面上的若干落差,藉由召募志工及社會資源的結合,舒緩經費與人力不足之做法可為殷鑑。 最後,根據研究結果,針對老師、家長、館員、學校及政府教育當局提出建議。建議老師應多加肯定與賞識學童,並鼓勵學童善用圖書館;建議家長以身作則導引學童閱讀,並營造閱讀氛圍;建議圖書館員積極經營志工人脈,並不斷提昇自我能力;建議學校確實按營運基準編列、執行圖書預算,並期待校長在口頭及行動上支持圖書館;建議政府教育單位重視學童使用校內圖書館閱讀的需求,並持續給予資源及人力的支持。


In the past twenty years, most studies of elementary school libraries were about how the library was used. However, little research regarding why students would like to visit the library and what are their favourites in the library has been carried out. The purpose of this study is thus to understand the motives and influential factors of graders library use at school library. This study adopted the qualitative research in a semi-structured in-depth interview and a participant observation research. The interviewed objects are sixteen 3~6 graders who borrowed books or media frequently from the school library. The studies showed being curious, feeling bored, desiring to be recognized, seeking topics of their own interests, getting respect, finding fulfilment, enjoying leisure-time, getting better scores, getting virtual rewards, pleasing parents, and peer competition are eleven main motives that drive students to use the school library. There are some influential factors can affect the library use including library factor and non-library factors such as: the abundance and attractiveness of collections; the independence and distance of premises, the comforts of interior space; the equipments including network, light, air-conditioner, and audio-video facilities; the competence and friendly support of the librarian, the reading activities, and longer opening hour. Moreover, the schoolwork, the significant persons, the others etc. are also important. The analyses found that the function of the school library lies not only on reading, circulating and searching, but also being a place for leisure and social activities. That is a successful school library is not only a library, but also a living room at home. Ideally, the school should enhance the positive linkage between the students and the library as well as the librarian should be a facilitator to connect them. On the other hand, the librarian should encourage students read enthusiastically by making library as a warm, convenient, and comfortable environment. As a result, the student would like to be a long-term patron of the library.




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