  • 學位論文


Organization Structure and Compensation Scheme— The Case of Insurance Sales Channel and Multi-Level Marketing

指導教授 : 李存修


企業為了提升組織績效,常設計多元化之薪資制度激勵員工。以往有許多學者針對薪資制度設計所產生之影響進行探討,但過去文獻僅注重於薪資制度對組織文化、組織績效等單面向之影響,並未由較完整的角度一探薪資制度對於組織內外所產生的各種直接或間接的影響。 再者,過去常被其他產業廣泛使用的分類研究方式,在薪資制度領域中卻極少被使用過,本研究為了能以較策略性之觀點探討企業薪資制度設計所帶來之影響,選擇以兩軸、四分類構面的方式,將保險業以及多層次傳銷/直銷兩產業進行切割,探討在不同的薪資制度設計下,組織內外的發展會如何產生差異。 在實務運作上,薪資制度的複雜度極高,組織不斷設計新的獎勵制度以刺激員工的銷售業績。經過本研究之分析探討,可知不同的底薪與變動薪結構、有無發展組織,事實上的確會對組織結構、員工特性、組織文化、產品類型、市場與顧客特性之發展產生不同的影響。然而,儘管這些影響有顯著差異,但各家公司織整體發放成本仍維持一定比例,看似複雜的薪資制度設計,其實僅是將同樣比例的成本以不同方式分配於不同處而已。 總結而論,企業應視其組織目標,設計合適的薪資制度,若能將薪資制度與組織內外各面向進行適配,其薪資制度的效果將會越高,對於組織銷售績效、員工滿意度、顧客滿意度等,都會有更多的正面影響。


In order to improve organizational performance and motivate their employees, firms often design incentive-based compensation schemes. In the literature, researchers always focus on the effect of compensation scheme on organizational culture, organizational performance, or other single dimension analysis, few of them addresses the issues from a more integrated viewpoint. Besides, the method of classification, which is broadly used in other research field, is seldom being used in compensation domain. In order to discuss the effect of compensation policy design from a more integrated, strategic viewpoint, this research divide the compensation policy into four types, and discuss the differences between them. It is complicated in real operation of compensation policy design. Firms continue to design new reward policies to stimulate employee’s sales performance. Our research find that both the mix of fixed and variable pay and the level of organization development have significant impact on organizational structure, employee characteristic, organizational culture, product type, market and customer type. In sum, firms should design an optimal compensation policy depending on their organization’s goal. The better the compensation scheme fit in the organization and market structure, the more the positive impacts on performance.


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