  • 學位論文


Effect of Mobile Broadband Technologies Evolution in Taiwan’s Industry Policy : A Study in 4G

指導教授 : 吳青松


過去數年在我國政府的產業政策主導下,再加上知名的國際跨國公司 (Multinational Company),美商英特爾公司 (INTEL Corp) 的大聲疾呼與極力鼓吹,我國的行動寬頻產業 (Mobile Broadband Industries) 一面倒地朝向WiMAX技術發展;我國政府希望打造台灣成為全球獨一無二的整合晶片設計、終端設備、基地台及應用服務的WiMAX示範島 (完整共生體系)。事實上在過去幾年中,WiMAX論壇確實對我國政府也相當的支持,不僅在2007年4月在台灣成立辦公室及認證中心,也讓我國政府在台灣舉辦了多次重要會議,並讓我國的工業技術研究院,在2009年3月躋身WiMAX論壇董事會成員。 不過我國政府,迄今,仍這樣一面倒地傾一國之力獨押WiMAX產業的作法,不僅將台灣通訊產業置於高風險的環境中,也未全然掌握現今全球網通產業的主流脈動並與世界接軌,尤其是LTE的主流市場地位,已經是不爭的事實且無可憾動。 從全球產業的脈動及我國網通廠商的競爭力與利基的觀點來看,台灣實不應自外於主流LTE市場之外。當前4G主流技術之爭,比的已經不是技術的優劣,而是電信產業的網路外部性與全球主流驅勢。我國的4G產業政策,應該是從全球產業競合的角度,來思考台灣能夠有怎樣的切入點;尤其是台灣為一典型出口為導向之海島型經濟體,任何世代交替的技術演進,將對高科技廠商的核心競爭力與產品競爭力將產生決定性的影響。 本論文研究目的在於從行動寬頻技術演進的角度,來分析並說明在未來4G產業競逐賽,技術的演進變化對通訊產業價值鏈所造成之變化及影響,並提供建議以供給我國政府與台灣產業界參考;尤其是資通訊產業 (ICT),已在台灣整體經濟上扮演一個非常重要的角色。


In the past Taiwan exclusively and aggressively strived to bet and focus on WiMAX technology, because of the strong endorsement, in terms of industry policies from Taiwanese government as well as the strong lobbying of INTEL, in order to forge Taiwan to become an unique WiMAX island as supplying silicon chips, terminal devices, base transreceiver station as well as demonstrating application services. Over past few years, the number of meetings were held in Taiwan by WiMAX Forum in recognition of Taiwan’s efforts and contributions to WiMAX development. WiMAX Forum formed up its Taiwan Office in April, 2007 in Taipei and WiMAX Forum also established certification laboratory in Taiwan. Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) was enlisted as one of the 17-member directors of the WiMAX Forum in March, 2009. However, exclusively standing on WiMAX side is not only potentially putting Taiwan’s communication industries in high risk and, but not in line with the main stream movement of global standards also. In consideration of the trend of global industry standards and the strengths of Taiwanese manufacturers, Taiwan should not be isolated and walk away from LTE markets. The matter is not pro and cons of technology itself but the network externality of telecommunication industry, in talking about the competitions between 4G standards. Taiwan’s 4G industry policy shall be structured and come out, from the perspective of global industry competitions to find the breaking points for Taiwanese manufacturers. Particularly Taiwan is a typical export-driven island economic unit and any change of technology evolution will cause very significant and determinative effects on the core competency and product competitiveness of Taiwan’s high-tech manufacturers. This thesis will analyze and discuss the changes and effects in suppy chain of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) industry on account of 4G technology evolution and will also proffer some suggestions to Taiwanese government as well as industries as reference, especially ICT industry has played a vital role in Taiwan’s economy.


Industry Policy 4G WiMAX Network Externality ICT


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