  • 學位論文


The Innovation Business Model of Social Enterprise |The Leezn Company Ltd. Case Study

指導教授 : 陳家聲


Jack Welch( 2005),在談到賦予使命與價值生命中強調,他是有血有肉的東西。好的使命和價值是那麼具體實在。什麼是對的使命? 什麼是好的價值? 是高成長? 高獲利? 高市占率? 或是成為「世界上最強的企業體」這樣的使命嗎? 美國前財長 桑默斯:迎向未來,在世界快速發展的變局中,將面臨1).管理全球經濟與金融市場的穩定、2).找到方法創造均富的社會及、3).搶救地球的環境等三大挑戰。我們必須找到人類能夠實踐經濟、環境及社會三方面能均衡發展且有助於人類社會及環境永續發展的商業模式,這內在深層的問題是甚麼? 長久以來我們寄望於企業能善盡社會責任,對企業活動的社會、環境和經濟後果負起責任。但企業社會責任方案是企業領導人經常掛在嘴邊,說做了什麼!又貢獻了什麼!但事實又如何?全球化的爭議、國際環保意識高漲,以及綠色消費觀念的興起。社會大眾及利害相關者對於企業環境績效與社會責任的要求逐漸提高。永續的概念隱約已與企業活動密不可分,甚致將結合為一體。 里仁事業股份有限公司,是透由實踐有機農業,推動「光復大地,淨化人心」,要救整個地球的眾生為宗旨的社會企業。它是如何建構它的企業活動,讓永續理念或使命得以實現?成功個案的探討是比較容易的方法。本文的研究希望可供為發展中的社會企業或一般營利企業仿效的企業營運模式。也試圖在一般企業或社會企業間找到一個共同的交集,無論是理論模式或概念。任何可以讓企業在營運上均有可資參照的成功模式是本文的最終目的。


Jack Welch (2005), stressed Speaking given mission and value life, he is something of flesh and blood. Good mission and values is so concrete. What is the right mission? What is a good value? High growth? High profit? High market share? Mission to become "the world's most powerful corporate body"? Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Summers: Looking Ahead, will face the changing situation in the world's rapid development, 1) to manage the stability of the global economy and financial markets, 2) find a way to create egalitarian society, 3). Rescue the three major challenges such as the environment of the Earth. We must find humans to be able to practice economic, environmental and social aspects of balanced development and contribute to the sustainable development of human society and the environment business model, what is this intrinsic deep? Let us hope that has long been able to fulfill its social responsibility in corporate responsibility, social, environmental and economic consequences of corporate activities. Corporate social responsibility programs are business leaders often talk about it to say what do what contributed! But is it in reality? The globalization controversy, the international environmental consciousness, as well as the rise of the green consumer attitudes. The gradual increase in the community and stakeholders for corporate environmental performance and social responsibility requirements. The concept of sustainable vaguely has been inextricably linked with corporate activities, or even with one. The Leezn Company Ltd., is through practice organic agriculture, and to promote the the "retrocession earth, purify the mind, to save the entire planet beings for the purpose of social enterprise. It is how to build its business activities, sustainable philosophy or mission can be achieved? Discussion of the successful cases is relatively easy. This paper studies want to the enterprises operating modes available for the development of social enterprises or for-profit enterprise emulate. Trying to find a common intersection between the general business or social enterprise, either theoretical models or concepts. Allows enterprise operations are owned reference to the successful model of the ultimate purpose of this paper.


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