  • 學位論文


Trend Micro IS Department CRM team Human Resources Activity Restructuring Plan

指導教授 : 許瑋元


在同一間公司同一個團體裡工作了將近五年,其組織也在這五年當中擴展了三倍以上,然而團隊的管理績效卻由於資源分配不均和權力不公而引發爭議且逐漸下滑。作者藉此機會檢視此間公司其團隊的組織架構並提出建議以透過客製化的人力資源活動重組方式進行一連串的 人力資源活動和參加訓練課程,期望能為這個團隊的員工帶來新的氣象並能進一步激發出火花使得團隊績效有所進步。


The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) team in Trend Micro was an efficient and successful role model among the Information Service Department. As the team expanded over the years, the team members found out that it was indeed a bit difficult for the whole team to maintain the high quality of project deliverables while the project volumes kept increasing at the same time. The fluctuation burst during the merger event in the year 2010 and it continued to affect the cohesion and coherence of the team. Gradually the project growth stalled and it led to this business plan to take a closer look of the team structure and its culture under the controversial leadership. The business plan stands from the perspective of human resources to examine the CRM team and it firstly provides a brief introduction of the organization chart and key employee team member descriptions. The director played the most important role to initiate every task and action as the top-down leadership management style put into solid practice in the CRM team and the individual decision to degrade the new team members after the merger resulted in multiple resignations and drew the fault line between sub-teams. Nominally the employee appraisal process illustrated the inclusive performance evaluation procedures somehow the arbitrary leader still made final decisions controversially. In order to strengthen the relationship after the merger, there were some events or gathering activities but the result did not reflect the positive feedback due to the unbalanced project assignations. The emerging challenges and problems started to occur not just within the team but also from the external environment. The CRM team was well-known for its professional knowledge of Oracle Siebel application but recently the rising star of SalesForce.Com which was a completely different customer relationship management application started to get the attention from the customers. Some project opportunities were on the edge of losing so that the team must respond and be prepared with the new system knowledge shortly. To solve the problems above, three human resources activity restructuring actions are proposed to blur the fault line among teams and enhance employee work efficiency by switching project team members so called project team renewal; to activate and boost the interaction and communication among the team by arranging informal team-building activities which specifically designed for brainstorming and debate topics to revitalize the team spirits; to sharpen the weapons of the business analysts and system developers to provide professional services by requesting the whole team to attend the mandatory training sessions. The time table of the actions is provided for reference at the end of the business plan.

