  • 學位論文


Examine the critical success factors in apparel industry management

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


本研究指在以實務觀點探討服飾產業經營管理之關鍵成功因素。服飾是人類重要的生活必需品之一,它在人們的生活當中扮演著不可或缺的角色。服飾產業與國家成長、經濟發展有著緊密的關聯,因此一直以來人們前仆後繼地投身服飾業的經營,但成功者卻只占少數。 本論文的研究者在服飾業經營已經超過三十餘年,親身參與服飾產業發展,也閱歷許多同業的興衰,幸運地在今日的服飾產業中創造出屬於自己的一片天地。同時,研究者也發現,在學術界中進行相關研究的研究者大多是學生,實務經驗上較少,且甚少從實務觀點出發的研究。 因此研究者利用這次進修機會,嘗試結合學術與實務的觀點,以研究者多年的實務經驗而對服飾產業在經營管理上的關鍵成功因素作為研究的主軸,以實務的角度探討如何成功地經營服飾企業。 研究者從學術觀點設計出訪談的問題,並且與企業主管進行訪談,並且結合本身多年的實務經驗,綜合歸納出結論,希望本研究將對相關的研究與經營有所幫助,進而提升服飾產業的經營管理及其產業蓬勃發展。


The main purpose of this study is to examine the critical success factors in apparel industry management from practical point of view. clothes are indispensable in people's daily life, are one of the important life necessities. Apparel industry is closely associated with the national economic growth, thus there have been many people throwing themselves in the apparel industry, but few of them has succeed. The researcher of this study has joined the apparel industry for more than thirty years, experiencing the development of apparel industry in Taiwan in person, and fortunately has his own place in the apparel industry. The researcher feels that in this area, most researchers are students who lack practical experience, and there are few studies from practical perspective. Therefore, the researcher combined academic and practical perspective, and also integrated his own experience to examine the critical success factors in apparel industry management from practical point of view. The researcher designed the interview questions from academic perspective, and interviewed the business executives in a representative corporation in apparel industry, with integrating his own practical experience, finally concluded the critical success factors in apparel industry management. Hope that this research would be helpful in the future study, and would further improve the management and development in the apparel industry.


[8]Robert M.Grant著:現代策略管理,2011.11出版
