  • 學位論文


Study of Motivation Type for Entrepreneur’s Career Choice: Examining Q Methodology and Internet Start-ups

指導教授 : 唐代彪
共同指導教授 : 唐震(Jenn Tang)


全球刮起了一陣創業風潮,特別在網路新創事業上,最成功的網路新創公司至今已經創造了數千億美元的市場價值。創業儼然已成為經濟與社會進步的主要動力,而其所創造出之附加價值像是能提供更多的就業機會,使就業率上升失業率降低增加經濟成長等,創業也對台灣經濟體系有很大的貢獻。 當創業已成為台灣經濟的重要組成部分,要了解為什麼人們成為企業家便成為一個重要的議題。回顧國內外相關文獻,在國外已有不少分析創業動機之相關研究,惟在台灣類似創業動機之研究尚未俱全;且,目前少有文獻探討是何種動機因素影響這些人成為網路新創事業創業家。 因此,本研究目的欲探討台灣的網路新創事業創業家在面臨職業選擇過程時所具備之內在動機及所考量的因素,並歸類網路新創事業創業家之動機類型,以補足此研究缺口。本研究主要運用Q方法來進行網路新創事業創業家內心動機的探索性研究,Q方法是一個兼具質化和量化特色的研究方式,經常用以深入瞭解人的行為動機及主觀意識。本研究透過對於網路新創事業創業家之Q排列及訪談資料進行因素分析,獲得「同儕影響型」、「夢想挑戰型」、「影響社會型」、「自我實踐型」等4種職業選擇動機類型,並說明不同的動機如何在個人職業選擇過程中發揮影響。 從本研究中分析各類型主要的價值觀,用以了解人們選擇從事網路新創事業作為生涯發展的重要意涵,獲悉他們的價值觀也增闢對創業家了解的管道。在這些研究結果的基礎上,亦可作為有關部門在協助創業活動蓬勃發展之參考。於本研究結果後,亦提供對此議題感興趣之研究者後續研究建議。


動機 職業選擇 創業家 Q方法 網路新創


All around the world, entrepreneurs are creating thriving businesses. Especially in internet startup, the most successful internet startup companies have created hundreds of billions of dollars of market value. Entrepreneurship are important drivers of economic and social progress and change, and the additional values could lead more job opportunities open, following with increasing ratio in employment, and also expand the economical scope. When entrepreneurship has become an important part of Taiwan's economic, it is important that we understand why people become entrepreneurs. Through reviewing the relevant literatures of entrepreneurial motivation, the study found that there are numerous researches in foreign countries, but few similar studies were conducted in Taiwan. Up to now, there are only few literatures reviewing the motivational factors that influence people to become Internet entrepreneur. Therefore, this research aimed to explore the occupational motivations among 26 entrepreneurs of internet Startup Company in Taiwan and to find out what types of factors influence their decision-making. Q Methodology was adopted in this study to unveil the viewpoints and occupational motivations of Internet entrepreneur. This methodology combined the strengths of both qualitative and quantitative methods and hence was an advisable method to examine human subjectivity and innermost thoughts. Through data analysis and interpretation, internet entrepreneurs were divided into four categories of motivation: (1)Peer influence;(2)Pursuit of dream and challenges;(3)Desire to influence on society;(4)Inner practice of self. These classifications not only can be used to derive the major values of Internet entrepreneur, but also can provide the understanding of their motivation to become internet entrepreneur, so that we can design supportive programs and advise policy-makers on how to help entrepreneurs. This study also proposed conclusions and follow-up research suggestions for those who would like to conduct further research in this issue.


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