  • 學位論文


The predicament and improvement of the Taiwan Publishing Report:game-theoretic analysis

指導教授 : 馮勃翰




The method of collecting data and conducting the survey to make the publishing yearbook in Taiwan is different from those adopted by the Publishers Associations in other countries nowadays. As the information in our reports is not able to provide the outline of the whole publishing industry, the results of the report have often been regarded as unreliable by the public. Therefore, to establish new research methods regarding the publishing reports becomes an important task. This paper provides a basic game theory model to find the publishers' concerns and incentives to provide their information for making an industry report. Our results show that Research Institute Productivity is the key factor that first affects firms' decision, followed by Report Synergy and Input Cost. Furthermore, we examined the organization of the Publishers Associations and the methodology of collecting data for publishing reports from different countries. Based on the insights generated from this study, I therefore bring the following two solutions and a suggestion: The first solution, referred to as the GOV WAY, is to improve the improper bidding process while we keep the present system that is dominated by the Ministry of Culture to produce and release the publishing reports. By doing so, we may increase the willingness of publishers to participate in the surveys. And the second solution, referred to as the NGO WAY, is to abandon the present system where the government plays a powerful role, turn to cooperate with the Taipei Book Fair Foundation and let TBFF be in charge of the publishing report. We may avoid the free-rider problem occurring in the GOV WAY then. Taking too much time or even failing to reach consensus among members, however, may somehow let the NGO WAY be less efficient than the GOV WAY. Finally, besides the reform focusing on the traditional book industry, we should pay attention to the blooming digital publishing markets as well, and establish any related industry research as soon as possible.


Association of American Publishers(美國出版協會). https://publishers.org/ .
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Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels(德國書商協會).
https://www.boersenverein.de/de/portal/index.html .
