  • 學位論文


Chasing Power through Transformation: A Study of Queen Margaret in Shakespeare's First Tetralogy

指導教授 : 魏思博


本論文本著女性主義精神,探討莎翁第一輯四部曲中的瑪格麗特皇后,為了追求其政治權力,如何操弄其強而有力的言語來轉化自己的女性身分。由於瑪格麗特皇后是唯一一位貫穿莎翁第一輯四部曲中的重要角色,因此必須同時檢視莎翁的第一輯四部曲與文藝復興時代背景,在兩者緊密交織下,研究莎翁的瑪格麗特皇后之重要性才更有意義。本論文試著將瑪格麗特皇后置於文藝復興時代的脈絡下探討:於第一章,一方面藉由幾位文藝復興時代女性作家之作品,觀察她們如何挪用聖經中的女性角色、重新定義傳統女性美德之內涵;另一方面,受到當代史料編纂多元化之影響,莎翁亦寫出能夠呈現自己風格的歷史劇,尤其是在與何林塞之編年史(Holinshed's Chronicles)的版本比較之下,發現到莎翁歷史劇中的女性不但能夠發聲,更進而影響其他男性角色。第二章之後,則細究瑪格麗特皇后如何追尋其政治權力:第二章焦點放在瑪格麗特皇后與其他男性朝臣之間如何進行權謀運作;第三章則在比較瑪格麗特皇后與另外兩位女性—聖女貞德與葛羅斯特公爵夫人,試析瑪格麗特皇后如何從這二位女性學到更細緻地運用其女性身分來追求權力;第四章的重點則是分析失去實質權力之後的瑪格麗特皇后,如何改變其策略,進而與和她旗鼓相當的對手—理查三世相抗衡。雖然歷史劇以男性為中心,但莎翁筆下的女性仍能發揮一定的影響力,甚而左右劇情發展。


This thesis is a feminist study to argue that Queen Margaret of Anjou throughout Shakespeare's First Tetralogy transforms her feminine identities in pursuit of political power by implementing her forceful rhetoric. The thesis purposes to read Shakespeare's Queen Margaret in the context of Renaissance: Renaissance women writers appropriate biblical female characters to reconfigure the traditional virtues; in addition, Shakespeare, influenced by a diversity of Renaissance historiographies, devises his own history plays in which he lets his women articulate and exert their influence upon their male counterparts in comparison with Holinshed's Chronicles. The thesis bases the following chapters on the interweave between the Renaissance background and Shakespeare's First Tetralogy; the subsequent chapters thereafter textualize Queen Margaret from three facets—the relationship between the male courtiers and the queen, the comparison among Joan Puzel, Eleanor, the Duchess of Gloucester, and her, and lastly, the juxtaposition of the unnatural counterparts, the queen and Richard of Gloucester.


Frye, Susan. Elizabeth I: The Competition for Representation. NY: Oxford UP, 1993.
Primary Sources
Shakespeare, William. King Henry V. Ed. T. W. Craik. The Arden Shakespeare. 2000. London: Learning, 2000.
---. King Henry VI, Part 2. Ed. Ronald Knowles. The Arden
Shakespeare. 1999. London: Learning, 2001.
