  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 任立中


現今市場環境隨著資訊科技的迅速發展,產品生命週期也不斷地加速縮短中,廠商如何在面對著快速變動的產業環境下,不斷檢視、培養與調整自身的動態能力以追求持久性的競爭優勢,成為決定廠商能否長久維持營運獲利的主要關鍵。此種動態能力的調整過程,不僅需要面對來自於目標市場消費者對產品屬性及利益的認知變化,更要面對來自外在市場特性的改變以及本身營運成長的演進下,所衍生出對於不同資源與能力類別之要求的挑戰,因此對於廠商資源能力的研究焦點,不僅只著重於資源與能力類別的區分,而更應該強調這些資源及能力是如何有效產生顧客價值、進而影響到廠商的經營績效。 本研究透過對行銷及策略相關文獻的探討,建立出廠商「研發創新」及「行銷專屬」兩大資源投入活動所形成之阻絕機制的差異,進而導出一個成功企業的經營,所必須具備的核心活動在於,透過產品或服務以有效傳遞出顧客價值,藉此獲得競爭上的優勢,並最終反應在較佳的營運績效表現上。其中,研發創新能力,有助於企業為顧客創造價值,進而獲得競爭優勢。而行銷專屬能力,則是企業透過行銷活動的推展,在目標消費者心中建立起心理上的獨佔地位,以鞏固研發創新能力所投入的成果,能夠有效專屬並反應在企業的營運績效表現上。 本研究藉由資料包絡分析法以針對台灣資訊電子業廠商進行實證,探討廠商彼此間對於上述兩類資源投入活動的差異,是否將對其經營效率表現,產生不同程度的影響效果,同時此種影響效果是否又與廠商所身處之外在環境的市場特性差異有所關連。此外,透過對觀察期間內個別廠商於效率指標成長情形的比較分析,以尋求面對不同市場特性之廠商在「研發創新」與「行銷專屬」兩資源投入活動的配置行為,是否將會影響其效率指標的成長表現,進而建立起不同市場特性下之廠商其最適資源配置的移動軌跡。最後,則根據廠商所位處之企業生命週期階段的差異,探討隨著成長階段的演進,其「研發創新」與「行銷專屬」兩資源配置比例的變動趨勢,歸結本研究的主要結論有: 一、廠商所處之最終市場接近性的不同,將決定「研發創新」與「行銷專屬」兩投資活動對廠商經營績效的影響效果。 二、位處於不同類型之市場接近性的廠商,隨著其資源規模的擴張,而有不同的資源配置移動軌跡,同時投資策略重心若能配合所處市場環境的特質、以及投資策略可以有效保持前後的連慣性,將能為廠商帶來高生產力成長表現。 三、位處於不同類型之市場接近性的廠商,隨著企業成長階段的演進,呈現出一致性的資源配置移動軌跡,然而隨著市場接近性程度越高,將反應在廠商對行銷專屬活動的資源投入水準越高、以及彼此間的資源配置行為差異性越大。


The ability to continuously review, adjust and cultivate the dynamic capability in order to maintain sustainable competitive advantage becomes a major factor deciding whether or not a corporation can possess long-term profits. This process of dynamic accommodation not only faces the challenge of varying preferences from target customers but also the challenge of requirements for different resources and capabilities that companies must maintain owing to the transformations of exterior market structure and interior corporate maturity. Therefore, the research can’t merely focus on the classification of different types of resources and capabilities, but puts more emphasis on the relationship between resource allocating behavior and firm’s performance of business efficiency. By integrating the concepts about business competence from Marketing and Strategy theories, we identify two significant resource allocation activities and their own barrier effects upon other rival companies in the market. One is the resource invested in the activities of creating product value such as R&D expenses and it focuses on enhancing value creation and gaining competitive advantage. The other is the resource invested for the purpose of supporting the marketing appropriation activities like advertising or promotion expenses and it focuses on appropriating the product value and building an effective barrier to other competitors. This research adopts the method of Data Envelopment Analysis to measure the performance of business efficiency and tries to make a connection between the performance and resource allocating behavior. The factors decide good or bad performance of companies including different kinds of resource allocating strategies, which are further affected by characters of market environment and stages of business life cycle. The main results of this research are as follows, 1.Accessibility to the market determines the impact of R&D innovation and marketing appropriation activities on the performance of business efficiency. 2.Firms with different kinds of market accessibility reveal divergent patterns of resource allocation trajectories, and the key factors influencing the performance of business efficiency include the correct focus of resource allocation and the consistence of long-term resource allocating strategy. 3.Firms in different stages of business life cycle will equally put more emphasis on marketing activities as their life cycles evolve. However, as the accessibility of the market becomes higher, firms in the same stage of business life cycle tend to allocate more resources in marketing activities and show greater divergence in their resource allocating behaviors.


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